[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200105/ffc209420d1f147c44e7f39aa9fde7f4.png[/img] [sub][color=gray]A collaboration between [@Rodiak] & [@Pyxis][/color][/sub] [/center] Imani had not been spared from her duties one bit. She still had to keep up her studies about her country, her trades, allies, and potential new allies. While she kept to herself most of the time, she tried to make room for some of her newly found friends. Phillip and Alejandro were always a joy to be around. She had wished to spend more time with Gen, but the other woman seemed to be busy with a prince named Henri. Although worked consumed most of her time, Leo always found a way to make her way into Imani's busy schedule and drag her out to meet other royals in the palace. Imani didn't mind Leo dragging her out of the confines of her room to be more social. She enjoyed the woman's company and always liked to talk to her about all sorts of things she could do with her hair, but the past week had been a bit weird. Something didn't feel right about Leo, and no matter how much she tried to ask the other woman just dodged her questions and changed the subject. Imani knew it had something to do with her mother, but the only person she knew that could help was a certain Hellencia. Imani wasn't super fond of the prince with his cheery persona, but she'd have to ask him for some help if Leo continued to act like this. [color=DC143C]"Ready?"[/color] Leo stood by Imani's door, her hands resting on her hips. Her hair had been braided into two french braids tied with red ribbons. Her [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/b2/50/be/b250be4cf613f44c253f8e78a2131ae2.jpg]dress[/url] had taken her a while to choose because one, it was going to be hot, and two she wasn't sure if she wanted to wear a dress or some jeans. In the end, Leo settled with the dress and the big airy sleeves, because fucking sleeves were amazing! Imani was surrounded by a mess of clothes, shoes, and hats. Now that she could finally wear what she wanted, all of her clothes were all sorts of colorful colors and interesting textures. Today she settled with something more [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/ed/5e/0c/ed5e0cbb5050c47be999839010e9ff7b.jpg]simple and casual[/url] since the fair didn't sound like a very formal event- and one that would offer much shade. [color=DAA520] "Ready, just looking for my hat.[/color] She said without looking at Leo. She wanted to find her hat, get out of the rooms, and meet up with Phillip by the front as soon as she could. [color=DC143C]"This one? The one separated from the mess?[/color] Leo walked over and picked up a wide brim hat as she smiled at Imani. [color=DC143C]"Nervous? Is it your first time going to this sort of thing?"[/color] She walked over and handed Imani her hat. [color=DAA520]"Yeah, you know how it was back with my father, and now in Massylii, I have so much work to do."[/color] Imani thanked Leo and took her hat. She pushed her box braids over her shoulders and put on the hat with a smile. [color=DAA520]"I just hope I don't get lost or make a fool of myself in the public, don't want to end up in those stupid tabloids-"[/color] She shouldn't have mentioned that. [color=DAA520]A-Anyway, let's start heading down. Phillip must be waiting."[/color] Leo only smiled, nodding a bit. [color=DC143C]"You'll be alright, don't worry too much."[/color] She motioned Imani to follow her out of the room. The past week had been a bit hard on her. She had tried to drown herself in work but ultimately ended up just hanging out with Chris or anyone that would have her. She'd tried to get drunk and just leave her phone behind so she wouldn't hear it ringing every second of the day. By the time they arrived at the front of the palace, a few royals were already gathered around. Imani was nervously fumbling with her shirt looking for Phillip or Alejandro, hoping to see them before they saw her. [color=DAA520]"Are you going to ride with us?"[/color] She glanced at Leo, offering a small smile. She wouldn't mind having Leo along. She could introduce her to Phillip and let her in on the whole fake engagement thing. Leo would understand the whole situation- and maybe show her that Imani was not actually going to marry a guy. [color=DC143C]"Don't know yet, I might ride with Chris. I want to talk to him about some stuff."[/color] Leo said, pulling out her personal phone to send Chris a quick message, asking him if he was already inside of a car. [color=DC143C]"You sure you want me to ride with your cute prince?'[/color] She said in a teasing manner, elbowing Imani and wiggling her eyebrow. Imani laughed a bit but pulled back to look at Leo. She really needed Leo to understand the whole thing, but she didn't want to tell her everything without Phillip knowing about it too. [color=DAA520]"It's not like that,"[/color] Imani looked around, finally spotting Phillip's familiar face. [color=DAA520]"You are welcomed to ride with us."[/color] She smiled before rushing over to Phillip. Leo blinked, unsure what Imani meant by her words. She watched her friend hurry off to the guy she was supposed to marry. Unlike her, Imani and Phillip had both agreed on their betrothal. Leo couldn't help but feel a bit jealous of her friend for having the option to choose- or at least that is what she thought. They both looked happy to see each other. She shrugged off the feeling in her chest and began to look for the car Chris was in.