[hider=Ralto Zarin] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191224/3d948b32f0f01893e14675a82e384fbe.png[/img][/center] [indent][indent][indent][indent][hr] [i][indent][color=gray]Ralto Zarin wasn't destined to be much when he was born. He was born to two spiced-up moisture farmers on Tatooine that he has nearly forgotten by now. His childhood, by the time he was 8, was spent maintaining the various droids and machines his parents had purchased. Of course, their addiction only made the child's job more difficult than it already was at the age of 14. In order to fuel their habits, Ralto's parents took out a loan from a Whiphid that they knew they couldn't pay back. Ralto wasn't particularly surprised when the thugs came and battered his father. What did surprise the single child was the offer that they made: Valarian could take the child to serve off their sizable debt (with interest, of course). From that point forward, Ralto Zarin became Valarian's slave. To his benefit, however, Ralto tested and grew under these ten years. He started by doing much the same he had done before: work on droids. However, this was not enough for the slave. Valarian had seen potential in the slave boy. He had the boy beaten consistently by the other slaves his age. The beatings persisted, day by day, until Ralto had finally broken. He let his anger out, and finally struck back against the others. He managed to fight them all off, knocking them all unconscious while still standing to the Whiphid's delight. It was from that point that Ralto was asked to do more than just work on droids. Valarian had one of her enforcers, a Wookie slave called Gorworr, train up the boy to serve as another one of her thugs. Ralto was not particularly noteworthy among Valarian's ranks, but he was effective at getting done what needed to be done. Valarian had a particular racket that she usually ran: whenever someone would make a loan with her, they would sign away all their rights if they met an untimely demise and their loan was not paid off. So, when these individuals tried to skip out on paying Valarian, Ralto would be sent to get them to cough up the money or an "accident" would befall them. Ralto was effective at his job, even if he wasn't fond of the work. You see, Ralto didn't enjoy this life. While he found he enjoyed the heat of blaster-fire, he didn't like fighting for a crime lord on some backwater outer rim planet. He wanted to see the stars and fight to earn his own credits. That being said, he has always had a code: do the job you are getting paid to do and try to earn a bonus. If his employer asks Ralto to jump, he asks how high to get more credits. Ralto was surprised when Valarian, after he had succeeded in planting a bomb on the cargo ship of a smuggler who tried to skip town, brought the Zabrak aside and informed him that his parent's debt had been cleared. They had been dead for three years prior, but Ralto could care less. He was finally free of Valarian's bonds, and the crime lord had even thrown her enforcer slave an offer: The Zabrak could have a forged weapon license and a ride aboard the next transport to his best chance at finding work in this climate: The Falling Star. Of course, who knew if she would need a favor down the line?[/color][/indent][/i] [hr] [/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [center][url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1eZjCcjgAVVH3aFZZN-lOn0TFEdB4oDJQDvXWCbXbaKU/edit?usp=sharing]Ralto Zarin's Sheet[/url][/center] [/hider]