[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191019/ddd4030dfcfd4ebe1a36ca729f505dd9.png[/img] [img]https://em.wattpad.com/138280b0e20f43bf0cc5893ff0b284ef74cfc0ad/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f54627479325961775479736137513d3d2d3730363232383831382e313538623638336633613662353765663234373439313537353337322e676966?s=fit&w=720&h=720[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/NX9IvRl.png[/img][/center] [color=darkgray][indent][indent]If there was something Marcela Castillo hadn’t missed during her time away from the spotlight, it was being the subject of whatever crazy, stupid or downright ridiculous things the tabloids decided to invent about her. She made a point to ignore any gossip pieces regarding her or her loved ones, knowing that the best way to show your opposition to those kinds of things was to remove yourself from the situation. But sadly, not everyone was of the same opinion. Eventually, the contents of the latest royal gossip column reached Marcy’s ears. And when they did, the brunette couldn’t help but laugh. She had known that her first appearance after the self-imposed grieving exile would undoubtedly bring her some attention from the media, and that conversing with Asher in such a public place would only add fuel to the flames. But [i]flirting[/i]? Had the Merenia correspondent been drunk? There was no way to misinterpret the way Marcy was glaring and hissing at Asher, or how defensive he’d been during most of their initial interaction. Maybe they’d come to that conclusion when the two young royals had opted to find a more private spot to converse? Whatever it was, it didn’t matter anyway. Both the tabloids and their followers would soon move onto something new… Like the royal scandal currently happening between the one of the closed bedroom doors under the roof of the Aciran castle. Since Quincy’s passing, Marcy had been plagued by sleep terrors every night, and they had been extreme enough to warrant medical assistance. Once diagnosed, she was prescribed medication in hopes that it helped her regain her sleep-- and they had been a success so far. But in the midst of her hasty packing for the impromptu trip to Aciras, the bottle of pills had been forgotten inside the medicine cabinet. Being the stubborn woman she was, Marcy decided to inform no one and take her chances at attempting sleep with no aid. And in the middle of the night, she was woken up by two very concerned ladies maids tending to her. When asked what had happened, the women informed the Aragonian princess that they had heard her ear-splitting screams across the hall, entered the room to find her thrashing in bed, and had sprinted to action. After assuring them she would be okay, the Mexican-Spaniard woman had been left alone, and she’d looked for comfort in the one person she knew she could trust. From that night onward, Marcela had been sleeping in the comfort of the arms and chest of Notia’s crown prince. On the morning of the fair, [url=https://img3.cuore.es/a8/eb/5b/danna-paola-shorts-botas-altas-600.jpg]Marcy[/url] had decided she needed some time to herself. She was thankful for Asher’s caring presence and his efforts with keeping her busy. But old feelings were slowly starting to creep back around, and she needed to take a hard look at herself to sort out her emotions. After they’d gotten ready and had breakfast, she expressed her desire to ride alone, and he had respected her decision. So once they had bid each other farewell, Marcela had boarded one of the empty vehicles outside the castle and closed the door behind her. She hoped her time alone would give her the clarity she so desperately needed.[/indent][/indent][/color]