Hey! So... I am having some new thoughts and ideas coming in. I was wondering if I could try a small cult faction instead. Here are my ideas: A small group of people from other Nations were banished into the wastes or left on former battlefields to die. These people found each-other and formed a community. Overtime, this small group started to believe in some dumb stuff, like how Technology is what killed Humanity, so this cult uses no Technology and banishes advanced knowledge of any kind. They expose themselves to small amounts of radiation to mutate and gain natural resistance to radiation (most die from this). This cult then started worshiping powerful mutants and offering sacrifices to these creatures. After a while, these people evolved some natural way to "control" mutation and turned most of their people into their own species of creatures. Monstrous horrors that consistently evolve and change. The process to become one is extremely painful and most end up dying before the ritual is complete. To sum it all up, these people are a mutant cult that thinks that Technology is what killed humanity... [i]I am not expecting this (yet again) and I understand if you dont want this in the Role-play.[/i] My second Idea is a group of human scavengers. People who organized themselves into a small nation of merchants, engineers, scavengers, and builders. These people would take on a very nomadic lifestyle, traveling from one place to the next consistently and quickly. These people are not 5 star engineers, but they work with what they have and what they can do. They combine vehicles and build towns and platforms on them and use these platforms as building spaces to construct structures, thus, giving them moving towns (like the original idea, but it makes more sense and is easier to do). These scavengers travel around the continent taking what they can take and buying what they cant take. They love technology and will take or buy it at any price and cost. They are consistently wary towards other people, but are still willing to converse with them. These people are usually terrible at combat and will usually run away from battle. Many of these people are peaceful. Thats all of my new Ideas for now! Sorry for not being on discord often.