[hider=Liakurra] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191224/21ed59da6d1efe07eb7736072be66eab.png[/img][/center] [indent][indent][indent][indent][hr] [i][indent][color=gray]The rise of the Galactic Empire had seen the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk bound in chains. Miles of its great, vibrant forests were bulled over to make room for labor camps, military outposts and spaceports. The Wookiee natives, once so mighty and free, were enslaved- forced to toil away at crop and wood for the benefit of the Imperial war machine. Likaurra, son of Kallatobuck, was born in one of these camps, just outside his ancestral home of Kachirho. He was a young man of twenty-five years when Liberation Day came. Rebel Alliance infiltrators entered the atmosphere undetected and underwent a daring raid on the Grand Moff's fortress palace, and though they suffered causalities they managed to disable the inhibitor chips that kept the Wookiees docile. A wave of fury and blood washed over Kashyyyk as the people rose up against their oppressors and tore them asunder. An Alliance fleet soon arrived and a brutal battle for the fate of the world began. Likaurra's family, Clan Jowtharr, earned their stripes in the battles that followed. Before the occupation, Clan Jowtharr had been renowned for its rangers and explorers, the greatest of them taking to the stars as members of the Claatuvac Guild. During the war against the Empire, however, it was their wilderness survival and unconventional tactics that proved most useful. Likaurra quickly became acquainted with living, traveling, and fighting in the shadowlands. He and his clan would descend upon patrols of Stormtroopers from the shadow of the canopy with unmatched speed and ferocity, and before they could rally against the Wookiees they'd vanish back into the underbrush like a whisper in the wind. Though the last Imperial garrisons wouldn't be torn out at the root for several months, the People of the Trees were quick to celebrate their victory. They held weeks-long feasts and uproarious parties honoring the many heroes that had won them their freedom, Wookiee and outsider alike. Ecstatic to see Kashyyyk free as he was, Liakurra was restless. He'd spent his life trapped among these trees, with only stories of the galaxy beyond to carry him away from there. He went before his father and the other elders of Jowtharr when the festivities had ended and asked for their help and their blessing. Liakurra wanted to leave Kashyyyk and follow in the footsteps of his clan's most renowned ancestors: to explore the galaxy, document all that he found and perhaps help in guiding his brothers and sisters scattered across the remnants of the Empire back home. Though he was young, impulsive and still had much to learn, he had proven himself a capable, trustworthy warrior, so the elders granted his request. They offered him provisions and transport to the nearest space station so that he might begin his journey. Its been five years since the warrior first set out, and the journey's been...different from what he'd imagined. There were no heroic or daring adventures to be found. Credits were always tight, and he was forced to take more than one unsavory job just to keep his stomach full and pay for passage on the next vessel to come along. He did mostly odd jobs, acting as security for a trade delegation one week and chasing minor bounties the next. The worlds he visited were always beautiful in their own way, but it was hard to appreciate them when he was there to catch some poor woman who skipped her court date. Dejected, dirty and exhausted, Likaurra found himself on the [i]Falling Star[/i] and wondering if this was all the universe had to offer him... [/color][/indent][/i] [hr] [/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [center][url=https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RIVxLqocHY4NLMtFL1WD9YuMuySBty79/view?usp=sharing]Character Sheet[/url][/center][/hider]