[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200106/68632b63de3b202fe2187221ad79d8d6.png[/img][/center] [color=darkgray][indent][indent]Like most of her classmates, Jenna was not paying attention to Henderson or the assembly. The young woman was completely tuning out the principal and everything else happening around her with the trusty help of her old iphone: white earphones on her ears blasting the Global Top 50 playlist and catching up on the happenings of Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram. It was during her scrolling of that last app where she came across Morgan Sinclair’s latest post, and her stomach immediately filled up with butterflies. Although she’d spent most of her free time between (or, more accurately, [i]under[/i]) Mikey or Lance, there was no denying that JK’s thoughts often drifted to the events of earlier that summer. Morgan and Jenna had been best friends since the third grade, grown up with a bond so close that they felt like sisters to each other. But things had changed from sisterhood to sexual attraction after the duo shared a drunken kiss at the end of the semester party last May. The young women had found themselves thinking long and hard about the kiss, brushing it off as consequences of peer pressure and drinking too much. They decided to confirm this theory a few nights later at Jenna’s place, and what started as a test kiss ended with one of the most passionate encounters both girls had ever had in their lives. From that point on, their bond had changed, but they had chosen to ignore the issue for fear of ultimately ending their friendship. Jenna hoped that maybe the summer spent apart would help them clear their head and figure things out. But so far, all that had happened was that she was missing Morgan like crazy. Lost in her thoughts, she failed to realize the assembly was over and they had been dismissed. As she was gathering her belongings to trudge to first period, her phone vibrated in her hand, and a text message from Rich popped up on her screen. Smirking, Jen unlocked the device and quickly typed up a reply: [indent][color=plum][i]‘Yes, sir! JK’s Sweets is officially open for business!’[/i][/color][/indent] Two rows from where JK sat, Alana had been her nerdy little self, paying close attention to what was being said. When Principal Henderson thanked them for ‘choosing’ Rosefell, the short girl couldn’t help but laugh. She hadn’t [i]‘chosen’[/i] the school: it was simply one she attended out of convenience. But hey, she’d let the older man think whatever made him happy. While the news of the reduction in budget definitely disappointed her, she sure as hell wasn’t surprised. Rosefell was one of the worst funded schools in their district, as they were hoping to slowly financially suffocate it enough to justify the eventual plans of closing it down. Still, it didn’t make her feel any less saddened that the students had to pay the price for the bureaucracy. Then came the notice of the Home Ec and the Baby Project, and Lani was (as opposed to the rest of the class) actually excited for it. Cooking, cleaning and babysitting experience with infants were skills she had learned long ago, so it was looking like this would be the easiest class in her schedule. Finally, they were dismissed, and her friends and classmates quickly went on their merry way to their respective homeroom classrooms. But instead of following suit, there was something Alana needed to take care of first. With her hands slightly trembling with nerves and anticipation, the brunette pulled out her phone and quickly typed up a text message to a [i]very[/i] special person: [indent][color=00CED1][i]‘Roses are red Violets are blue I would ditch first period To spend some time with you.’[/i][/color][/indent] Smiling to herself, Lana hit ‘Send’ and eagerly awaited his response. The Alana everyone knew would never dream of doing anything against the rules. But it was senior year, after all! If there was ever a time to get a little risky, it was now, and Alex Bellamy was the perfect person worth being rebellious for.[/indent][/indent][/color]