[hr][hr] [center][h2] Matthew [/h2][/center] “Just make sure to aim for the chest, it’s easier to hit than the head, and at the end of the day a bullet is a bullet - two or three of them will put most people down pretty easily. Just make sure you actually aim the damn thing, squeeze the trigger rather than pull it, and make sure that whatever you’re hiding behind is actually gonna stop a bullet.” She cautioned him sharply, with a pointed finger gesticulating each issue. “I’ve seen some stupid motherfuckers try to hide behind car doors. They think because it is metal it will protect them - if you’re gonna hide behind a car, Matthew, hide behind the engine block.” She paused, and then she sighed. Her expression softened. Not hopefully. “I don’t think so. Cops do some shady shit man, but most of us ain’t so clever that we make our perps answer their phones to bring their accomplices in - no, I think there’s a pretty fucking good chance that the FOE have him, and magic doesn’t always work on those fucking guys. It’s not a risk we can take. Not right now.” A moment passed. “He’s not a mage. When they realise he won’t break, and that he won’t work as bait, they’ll probably just kill him.” Mira swallowed hard again. “Like I said, I just hope it’s quick. He was always kind of a dick, but… well, he was… he [i]is[/i] a good guy. He doesn’t fuckin’ deserve this, man.” By the time they were approaching the pizzeria, however, the street was awash with blue lights. The police, for one reason or another, were congregating around the ‘roachtrap’ pizzeria. Three patrol cars, a total of six officers, and no immediately apparent mage. But no FOE either. “Alright. I’m thinking we need a distraction. If they suspect there’s a mage about, then the FOE will be here as quick as in five minutes. I’m a cop, even if the uniform I have in the trunk doesn’t look like the local PD, so there’s a chance I can like, talk to them - at least, if they’re not wearing body cams. You think you’ll be able to have a look around and find our friend?” [@gentlemanvaultboy]