[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191220/277fac4d11095b2af58a8da4530e165c.png[/img] [color=CDBD2B][b]Time: [/b][/color]Night [color=CDBD2B][b]Location: [/b][/color]Rachel Bromberg's House [color=CDBD2B][b]Interaction: [/b][/color][/center] [hr] Few understand what makes a monster. Are they born or created? Fated to be or molded to shape? The question was as dubious as the meaning of life, for it depended on who was asking. How can you explain why two perfectly supportive parents could foster a serial killer with no remorse for another living creature? How can you explain a person that grew up in an abusive and destructive household growing up to be a renowned physicist? Lucius had pondered the question on what makes a monster for much of the first few centuries of his existence, eventually giving up on finding a concrete, encompassing answer. However as he approached Rachel's home, He found himself pondering the question once more. Rachel was a saint to some, but to Lucius she was nothing more than cowardly leech. A monster veiled with sweet lies and promises that would drive her coven to destruction. A exchange of bright smiles were had as he rang the doorbell and Rachel was there to greet him. Though she was weary of him at first, Lucius had wormed his way into her mind and now she trusted him enough to have a friendly dinner [color=CDBD2B]"Did you enjoy those chocolates I sent earlier?"[/color] A wide smirk on his lips, a teasing look in his eyes as he gazed longingly into hers. She responded with a sly smile [color=a187be]"I did in fact, turns out whoever sent them doesn't have bad taste."[/color] She said playfully, tugging on his right arm as she leaned up to place a single kiss on his cheek. A light chuckle left his lips as she looked down at her once more [color=CDBD2B]"Well, I'm sure he will be pleased to hear that. Now, let's make this a night to remember."[/color] The moment she turned her head to lead him into the dining room, his face released the false pleasantries. No matter how often he played this kind of role, it was always more exhausting that it should be. Before Rachel could sit down, Lucius moved around her in order to pull out her chair. After she sat down, he pushed her forward forcing another pretentious smile. He took his own seat and took a look at the food laid out before him, both the heat and aroma hitting him in waves. Whatever his thoughts about Rachel, her cooking was certainly nothing to make light of [color=a187be]"Ah, I'm not going to lie it's nice to be doing this. It feels like Ember Grove is crawling ever closer to war. I just hope I can keep our coven out of it."[/color] Lucius could hear the exasperation in her voice, recent events were stressing her out more than she wanted him to know. For one that has lived as long as she, he would have thought she would realize conflicts were a natural part of evolution [color=CDBD2B]"Whatever happens, you have my complete support. You know that, right?"[/color] He let it known in his voice he was insecure about their relationship, and as expected Rachel caught on to this [color=a187be]"I do, and I'm grateful though I have to admit I was suspicious when you first came into town."[/color] Rachel giggled after saying this, like the notion was completely ridiculous. However, Lucius could read between the lines. She had found something out that she really shouldn't have. Regardless, it was too little too late. Lucius laughed once and with a grin replied [color=CDBD2B]"I didn't make it any easier on myself, I was a bit...eccentric to say the least."[/color] It was too early to play his hand, but much to his surprise she simply continued on with a different subject. Certain of being discovered, he was caught off-guard [color=a187be]"You got that right, but then again it made me interested. So, how is the roast?"[/color] She asked with a hopeful smile, full of life. This was something that, at the very least, he could be honest with her about. A parting gift so to speak [color=CDBD2B]"It is excellent."[/color] He spoke with a mouth half-full [color=CDBD2B]"Perhaps the best meal I've had all month."[/color] He had swallowed before continuing. The happiness that shined in her eyes was disturbing, so comfortable in her life and so afraid of the struggle all species go through. Live or Die. Stagnate or Evolve. Fight or Perish. These were the mechanisms in which all life grows stronger. After eating his fill and enduring a tedious conversation, Lucius had derived all the useful information he could from her. He stood up from his chair at the same time Rachel did, a spark of electricity connected their gazes as they moved closer. In one smooth, fluid motion Lucius embraced Rachel in his arms as they both looked into each other's eyes with longing [color=a187be]"What would you say to staying to the night?"[/color] The wine they had drank from the meal was affecting her, but in no severe degree. Regardless of whether she was intoxicated or sober, he had no plans to stay the night. Rather, he would make sure that she would never leave this house alive. He inched his head closer til his lips were almost pressed against her ear and in one, quiet whisper spoke [color=CDBD2B][i]"Anima moritur cum furtum tempus"[/i][/color] As the last word was spoken, he could feel her nails dig into his shirt and into his skin. A mere two seconds later and they stopped, leaving Lucius with a lifeless body in his arms. It had been one of his most accomplished poisons, a staple he had relied on for centuries. The ingredients were quite difficult to collect but the result was well worth the effort. This magical poison is absorbed into the blood-stream for 12 hours waiting to be activated. Its potency was unrivaled and for humans, death occurred in seconds. All it required is one, simple phrase to be heard. However, this was only the first step of what he planned to do here tonight. He laid her gently to the floor and slipped on a pair of latex gloves before retrieving a pair of vampire teeth molded from one of his many victims. Lucius positioned the teeth around a bit in order to get the right angle, before pressing down on the ends of the teeth puncturing her neck. Blood spilled on the floor as he carefully avoided getting any on himself. Without Rachel, Lucius would be able to seize power of the coven and lead them in a different direction. One by one he would make each one of them ruthless user of the dark magics, an army to seed the land with chaos starting with Ember Grove. The native Vampires would make a good first start, thus his intentions here. Deception. Mistrust. Revenge. His plans were beginning to fall in line with his goal, to make Ember Grove the first warzone of many between humanity and the forces of the supernatural. With a clean cloth from inside his coat pocket, he wiped the device clean. Lucius spent the next 10 minutes cleaning the area of any traces that would lead back to him. He was happy that this little date of theirs was kept a secret. Lucius put his coat back on and took one last look at his work, the room showed signs of a struggle with the knocked over wine and furniture thrown about [color=CDBD2B]"Goodnight Rachel, It was certainly an enchanting evening."[/color] He exited through the front door and peeled off the gloves, placing them in one hand before speaking [color=CDBD2B][i]"Adhibete flammis"[/i][/color] The gloves vanished amidst the heat of the flames and he began his leisurely walk back to his home. Unlike some of the other residents of Ember Grove, her preferred to be asleep at night. His thoughts drifted towards warm pastries and a hot cup of tea before bed. Now that was to die for.