[hider=Appearance] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/522634592541343765/658771194165723146/20191223144108_1.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Ambrosio [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Blood Code:[/b] [i]Leonidas[/i]- Extremely high health, balance, and stamina with respectable attack in exchange for an extremely low Ichor stock and almost no active skills as well as innately low mobility. It mostly relies upon passives and a strong block to do its job and has weight sufficient for its equipment. [b]Gifts:[/b] [i]Aspída[/i]- Reduced Stamina cost of blocking attacks. (Passive) [i]Xepliróno[/i]- Weaves Ichor into energy that causes blocking to reflect a portion of the damage back on the attacker before the force is applied to the defender. (Active) [i]Restorative Offering:[/i] Sacrifice health to heal a teammate. [i]Restoration:[/i] 3 uses. [b]Gear: [/b] [i]Heavy Shield Bardiche[/i] [i]Epimoní[/i]- This is a Heavy Hounds type Blood Veil based on the GXL Defender. It has heavy bronze colored plates covering the torso and shoulders with a crimson tunic and cloak. This Blood Veil offers high resistances and defenses for a very high weight and little Gift strengthening. [hider=GXL Defender][img]https://codevein.wiki.fextralife.com/file/Code-Vein/gxl_defender_front.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Purifier Mask][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/6e/60/d9/6e60d938a5c6622057a18bcb9af3b453.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Memories:[/b] Ambrosio knows very little about himself, likely a result of his fighting style causing him to disperse more often than normal. However, since the Queen's death, he has gained new memories. Despite lacking his old memories, he really does not miss them as he lives in the moment and only wishes to develop as he continues surviving. His one memory from his past that is more than hazy shreds is of defending some human woman. He took a nasty hit and almost dispersed, so she took him in to let him regenerate. Unfortunately, he was also close to frenzy, so he began to turn. She gave some of her blood to him to prevent the turn, but he doesn't know anything beyond her face and what she did for him. He doesn't even know if she is still alive or not. This selfless act from the woman, combined with his defensive bent, causes Ambrosio to be very similar to heroes of old. He has his flaws, but he will put himself in harm's way and rush to crush tyrants and save slaves. That is how he became a thrall. He was attempting to free the thralls that he now calls his comrades in shackles. [b]Personality:[/b] He lives in the moment and is often selfless. Despite being quick to act, he is by far not a meathead. He is actually highly intelligent, educated, and tactically minded. He is well trained in warfare as well as philosophy, economics, politics, and psychology. In camp or out of combat, he is often loud. Ambrosio is very much confident in his abilities and can be quite blunt if he feels a point must be made. By default, he tends to react with wit and humor or gentle kindness. His kindness and gentle demeanor often lead people to assume he is harmless or inoffensive, which is far from the truth. [b]Other:[/b] He is excessively skilled at Pankration and thus is dangerous even when unarmed. He is very good at drawing, painting, and sculpting, for some reason.