[hider=The Raging Storm (Staging Ground)] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/8pei0oy.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name[/b]: Yamato Takeru [b]Title(s)[/b]: “The Brave of Yamato”, “The King Arthur of Japan” [b]Class[/b]: Berserker (can also be a Saber, Assassin, or Lancer) [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Attribute[/b]: Earth [b]Alignment[/b]: Chaotic Good [b]Personality[/b]: Yamato is a brave, loyal, and adventurous hero, subjugating her enemies and the savage gods of others among other things for her father. Yet her temperament was always a potent one, especially when channeled into a violent and murderous deed as it was in her life. Due to the skill “Berserk” supplanting the usual Berserker class skill, however, Yamato still retains her reason as a Berserker to the point that even high-grade conversation is very much possible. She also shows a certain kindness to women and the weak, but a certain emphasis on her negative traits has been established due to the Berserker class container she is in. Her will is forceful and brash like a violent tempest, her blade is a roaring typhoon ready to cut down all that gets in her way, and her anger itself is a brutal instrument that brings destruction down upon her enemies. [b]Biography[/b]: [hider=Lotsa History Links and Doodads] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yamato_Takeru http://mythfolklore.blogspot.com/search/label/Unit%3A%20Japanese%20Myth https://etc.usf.edu/lit2go/72/japanese-fairy-tales/4852/the-story-of-prince-yamato-take/ http://www.ninpo.org/historicalrecords/kojiki/kojiki_index.html https://books.google.com/books?id=7RHCAwAAQBAJ&pg=PA195&lpg=PA195&dq=Eight-Arms-Length-Spear&source=bl&ots=zFI04wX0e6&sig=ACfU3U3AEbaBKGgQ2BtcaYwBnRTBOpH_Bg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiRhYuJ3-PmAhXhm-AKHUa1BggQ6AEwAXoECAsQAQ#v=onepage&q=Eight-Arms-Length-Spear&f=false https://books.google.com/books?id=V_RyPbadxJgC&pg=PA232&lpg=PA232&dq=Eight-Arms-Length-Spear&source=bl&ots=-r_lk2kwkt&sig=ACfU3U0pGk8Fzr-Imv4XsEM_l14xo-SbIQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiRhYuJ3-PmAhXhm-AKHUa1BggQ6AEwAnoECAkQAQ#v=onepage&q=Eight-Arms-Length-Spear&f=false https://books.google.com/books?id=53Y5AQAAIAAJ&pg=PA39&lpg=PA39&dq=Eight-Arms-Length-Spear&source=bl&ots=rsXWct6J3C&sig=ACfU3U16hroGzpsM5ddmtedNYtMC8HzqqQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiRhYuJ3-PmAhXhm-AKHUa1BggQ6AEwA3oECAoQAQ#v=onepage&q=Eight-Arms-Length-Spear&f=false https://orias.berkeley.edu/yamato https://japonesque.wordpress.com/2009/01/28/kojiki-song-23-of-yamato-takeru/ https://orias.berkeley.edu/yamato-plot-summary https://www.heroicage.org/issues/15/littleton.php https://prezi.com/iyjuljd5cozz/heros-journey/ https://www.sacred-texts.com/shi/kojiki.htm https://www.heroicage.org/issues/15/littleton.php http://enmokudb.kabuki.ne.jp/repertoire_en/%E3%83%A4%E3%83%9E%E3%83%88%E3%82%BF%E3%82%B1%E3%83%AB%EF%BC%88yamato-takeru%EF%BC%89 https://www.rodsshinto.com/yamato-takeru https://www.sutori.com/story/mitsumine-shrine-san-feng-shen-she-legendary-yamato-takeru-s-missions-to--dFBrg7otYvFzmSxiKKhjm8wG --- Note: In life, Yamato Takeru was known to have a brutal temperament. In particular, when her older brother refused to come to meals with Yamato (then Prince Osu) and the Emperor, the Emperor sent Yamato to reprimand him and warn him about such a disloyal act. In response, however, Yamato’s brutal temperament interpreted the Emperor’s command differently and far more harshly. Yamato later caught her older brother in the bathroom, and channeled her temper into raw violence as she furiously crushed him, and then brutally dismembered him and tossed the remains away wrapped in a straw mat. Five days later, when she told the Emperor after being asked about her brother’s disappearance, her father was mortified at how calm she looked when she told him about her dark deed. She met her death after going to subjugate the god of Mount Ibuki, strangling and slaying the great serpent (dragon) there with her bare hands before being injured by a hailstorm and eventually dying. Her soul then turned into a white plover and flew off. [/hider] [b]Weapon[/b]: Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi/Wind [b]Parameters[/b]: [i]STR[/i]: B [i]END[/i]: C [i]AGI[/i]: A [i]MGI[/i]: C [i]LCK[/i]: D [b]Class Skills[/b]: [i]Mad Enhancement[/i]: - -This skill has been supplanted by the personal skill “Berserk” in the case of this servant. [b]Personal Skills[/b]: [i]Berserk[/i]: A -is a composite Skill of Bravery and Mad Enhancement. Grants the user the ability to negate mental interference such as pressure, confusion and fascination. It also has the bonus effect of increasing melee damage (in hand to hand combat). With this skill, Yamato’s might and fury are like a mighty river: She fights in a channeled and true and focused manner befitting a warrior, yet simultaneously bares her fangs with the sheer ferocity, violence, fury, and raw brutality of a maddened wild beast. However, in the case of Yamato Takeru this skill is broken down with the “Bravery” component being equal to A rank and the “Mad Enhancement” component being equal to C rank. The effects of the Mad Enhancement component are not taken into account in the parameters above. [i]Instinct[/i]: B -is the ability to instantly identify “the best personal course of action” during combat. Because this Skill allows for the prediction of trajectory, it is possible to avoid attacks from firearms. At this rank it is possible to halve the penalties inflicted by visual and auditory interference. [i]Protection from Arrows[/i]: B -is the ability to deal with projectiles, an increased defense against ranged attacks by predicting the projectiles' trajectories through exceptional means, such as hearing the sound of air being cut, or sensing the killing intent of the enemy. [i]Boon of the Sun[/i]: B -Support received from a solar deity, in this case the goddess Amaterasu. Though the user does not need to stand in the sunlight to receive this support, the wielder does instead recover a small amount of magical energy every turn during the daylight hours (from sunrise through sunset). However, this skill naturally remains inactive during the night. Shapeshift: E -A bonus from being summoned on staging ground. All Yamato can do is genderswap herself using this skill. [b]Noble Phantasm[/b]: Your trump card and the symbol of your legend as a whole. The limit for these is generally going to be two, unless you're using a canon Servant who has more. [i]Name[/i]: Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi [i]Title[/i]: “Wrath Of The Heavens, Gather Forth And Strike!!!” [i]Rank[/i]: A+ [i]NP Type[/i]: Anti-Unit (Self), Anti-Army [i]Range[/i]: 0 / 1-50 [i]Maximum Number of Targets[/i]: 800 [i]Description[/i]: The divine blade of Amaterasu, the Sun Goddess, taken from one of the tails of the slain Yamata-no-Orochi by her divine brother Susanoo. A weapon of the goddess, and one of the three Imperial Regalia of Japan, it was given to Yamato Takeru to wield by the high priestess of Ise Shrine (who also happened to be his aunt). Though while the power of the blade normally allows the wielder to control the winds to a fine level, as a Berserker the utility of this weapon in Yamato’s hands has been decreased in favor of greater raw combat power. The blade of the sword is normally covered in a superior “sheath” that conceals it by distorting the refraction of light, rendering it invisible using multiple layers of wind that are compressed into super-high pressure air with a massive amount of magical energy. However, as a Berserker this trait has changed to form a passive wind barrier around Yamato and the blade itself that protects them from harm and damages those that come into contact with them. While not rendered invisible by this passive wind barrier, however, Yamato and the sword instead have their appearances entirely blurred/obscured from others. Literally speaking Yamato becomes “a walking typhoon” wielding this blade, which is normally used to just manipulate the wind, has become a far more destructive force with Yamato being summoned under the Berserker class. This passive barrier protecting both the sword and its master also has other uses, such as increasing the damage and cutting power of attacks...even with something like a punch made by Yamato whilst wielding the sword in the other hand. This wind also has other uses, being like a far stronger version of a similar but weaker Noble Phantasm called “Invisible Air”. It can also be used in a manner akin to the skill “Prana Burst”, to augment attacks and movement through the unleashing of wind. [/hider]