Name: Evner “Ev” Potrivi Gender: Male Age: 19 Looks: [img] [/img] He has a long scar down the left side of his face(The right, to anyone looking at him) Personality: Evner is known for his Devil May Care attitude towards those he doesn't know or care for. He's protective of those he knows, but shows his care in rather unconventional ways; Playful banter or sarcastic remarks, yelling when he's scared or worried, rather than angry. Altogether, he's simply seen as rebellious or slacking to those who don't know him. History: There isn't much history to speak of for Ev; He can only remember about three months back: He woke in a hospital in Cleveland, choking on the tube down his throat until the doctors could restrain him and take it out. Once he'd calm down and his heart rate returned to normal, the doctors explained what happened; He'd been attacked, something with claws that was out for blood. The side of his face was stitched up, but it would forever leave a scar. He'd asked, once he was able to stay awake long enough, how he was alive; The doctors just shook their heads and said someone dropped him off in front of the Hospital. Then he'd asked who he was. The doctor gave him his wallet with his ID, Evner Potrivi from Maine, and suggested he go home to familiar surroundings to help with his memory. He did, he searched for his family only to find he had none, searched for his school only to not be in any files. It was as if he hadn't existed. He got menial jobs, hard labor and anything other people wouldn't take, and used what he made to buy a used motorcycle to ride around Maine, sleeping wherever he found shelter. He went after the newly dubbed 'Demons' that had been cropping up and came too close for his liking, and he found out it was a Demon that had attacked him initially. He went after them harder after that. Something kept bugging him over the past month, though...a niggling in the back of his mind, telling him to go find someone, someone else in Maine. He was able to ignore it for a while, but after three weeks, it's still an itch he can't scratch; So he got on his motorcycle with a dufflebag on his shoulders and he took off, heading towards the feeling in his mind. Power/Weapons: >Intuitive Aptitude: The power to instantly learn and understand the complexity and exactness of organisms, objects, and even powers without the need of long-term or special education. >He carries a Colt 1911 that has as many symbols as possible carved into it, just in case they help at all against the demons. Power Limitations: There aren't limitations really except the fact that he must be near someone/thing to know how it works before he can replicate the function. The further from the source he gets, the less powerful, and eventually he cannot remember how the power or object functions and cannot replicate it until he comes across it again. Location: Maine Other: >He's gay >He's constantly searching for ways to retrieve his memory >Evner hates being in enclosed spaces, that's why he rides a motorcycle instead of driving. >He has an irrational distaste for animals