This is the first OOC post. More information will be held here when I have time to actually write it down, but for starters, a little on how the roleplay works (you will also find this info on the first page of the IC, but I'm writing it in both for anyone looking to join in. Just in the OOC it will be more complete over time): This RP is a choose your own adventure type of RP, or quest RP as some may know it, and operates much as a book of the same name. Entries will be written, and the players simply pick the path which will be followed from the options presented in the entry. In this case, the choice will be done via voting for the option the players prefer. Should there be a tie, I will pick one of the most voted options and go with that. There will only be one character, collective to all the players who participate in this RP, even if they hop in later or eventually leave the RP. The RP will essentially have two parts- in the first, the votes will determine the backstory of the character, and shape up details about how that character ends up being. The second part will be the actual story of the roleplay. Any further information will be in the actual OOC. [hr] Here in the OOC, feel free to comment, discuss, chat and provide any feedback you'd like to! Much appreciated! :D