[@Epsir] Hello. I am glad we manage to get some attention. :) This is going to be the character that I will mostly use in this RP. You asked to see a CS, this is going to be mine. The code is going to be given to anyone who would want to use this format, too, but it's not obligatory. [HIDER][center][h1][b][u][color=cadetblue]Sophia Marjorie Wright 'Justicia'[/color][/u][/b][/h1][/center] [hr] [center][img]https://i.ibb.co/BLqCVxM/Sophia.jpg[/img][/center] [table][row][/row][row][cell] [color=cadetblue][h3]Sophia Marjorie Wright[/h3][/color] Age: 19 [sub][sup][color=white]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [/cell] [cell] [h3][color=cadetblue]Personality:[/color][/h3] At first glance Sophia is poised, calm, mature and have her wits about her. She seems to constantly give off an aura of nobility; standing proud and strong. Although on a deeper level, which is not that hard to find once striking a conversation with her, she is also deeply caring and kind. Selfish to a fault, some in her family would say. Among the desperate crowds of Victorian England, it was said by some that Sophia stands as a ray of sunlight; Pure, Innocent yet strong and with purpose. [/cell] [/row] [/table] [table][row][/row] [row] [cell][u]Interests[/u] Reading, Helping those in Need, Painting [/cell] [cell][u]Strengths[/u] Kindness, Calmness, Poise, Strength of Character, Determination[/cell] [cell][u]Fears[/u] Loneliness, The Dark, Negativity, Failing[/cell] [/row] [/table] [hr] [h3][color=cadetblue]History:[/color][/h3] Sophia is the eldest child of a prominent Londonian family, the Wrights, who's father is a well known and respected Admiral in the British Royal Navy. As such, Sophia grew up rarely seeing her father as he was most often gone on peace missions to keep the Pax Britannica. Her mother, on the other hand, was always present. She always had been sickly and weak from her youngest years, which was why the couple had rejoiced in noticing that Sophia didn't inherit this condition. Instead, she was a strong child and a strong personality that didn't shy away from saying what she thought and doing what she wanted. Sophia grew up under her mother's tutelage, learning the virtues of kindness and patience, but also inherited her father's strength of character and will to act. Her youngest years were happy and fulfilling - but her mother died suddenly after giving birth to a second child, a younger brother. Ever the strong one, Sophia did not let the death of her cherished mother change her. If anything, it strengthened the lessons she was taught, as a way to respect her memory. Sophia's father was still rarely there, even less so the first few months and years after the death of his wish. Sophia took on the role of leader of the family's house and tried to raise her little brother, although this task fell mostly on servants and caretakers because she was busy and judged too young. She only got busier after meeting her Pixie companion only a few months after the tragedy. While taking care of her mother's garden, a creature of seemingly pure light approached her and gave her an opportunity; to give her the means to proactively use her willingness to act and help by giving her the powers to make a difference. It did not take much explanations for Sophia to believe and accept the Pixie's proposition. Ever since, Sophia fulfilled her new duties as Witch superbly and without fail. [table][row][/row][row] [cell] Witch Name [color=cadetblue][b]Justicia[/b][/color] [sub]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sub] Upon transformation, Justicia's hair changes to an almost pure white with only one strand of golden hair, representing Sol - on top of also becoming very long, following her every movements like a beautiful strand of silk would a veil dancer. Her regalia is mostly blue with lots of golden decorations which changes colours depending on the magics Justicia uses. Weapon [sub]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sub] Justicia's weapon is a blade with the shape of a musical note. The center of it is rounded and offers some protection, behind which is the handle. The seemingly decorative golden engravings along the sword changes colours depending on how Justicia uses her magic. [/cell] [cell] Pixie [color=cadetblue][b]Sol[/b][/color] [sub]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sub] Just like the Witch she chose to enhance, [url=https://i.ibb.co/hM55r7s/Sol.jpg]Sol[/url] is poised and strong willed. Unlike Sophia however, Sol has more of a cold calculating personality that favours results over actions taken to get them. The destruction of Pixie's antithesis, Hydes, are Sol's main and most important goal. Transformed State [sub]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sub] Once transformed, Sol most often takes the form of a golden hair brooch in order to be under the sun as often as possible. [/cell] [center][h1][b][u][color=cadetblue]Magical Identity[/color][/u][/b][/h1][/center] [/row] [/table] [center]Magic [sub]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sub] [color=cadetblue]Sun's Dance[/color] Justicia's magic seems complicated, but is actually very straightforward. It enhances the Witch in short but potent burst of magics that gravitates around movements, but isn't limited to. The main form the magic takes are the leg armours Justicia gains as she takes her magical form. These allow the user to [i]skate[/i] upon any surfaces as if it was ice, allowing for great speed, grace and movement. On top of this, The Witch can tap into her magic to gain short enhancements such as momentum in a straight line, high jumps both horizontally or vertically, skates on vertical surfaces such as walls and others. The magic has no offensive options apart from the sword itself, which can cut through any and all Hydes encountered thus far. As a result of this, Sol only chooses strong willed individuals that are highly disciplined. [/center] [table][row][/row][row] [cell] [img]https://i.ibb.co/YQmx9cb/Battle-Sophia.jpg[/img] [/cell] [cell] [img]https://i.ibb.co/hM55r7s/Sol.jpg[/img] [/cell] [/row] [/table] [/HIDER]