[hider=Ambrosia] Name: Ambrosia Gender: Female Species: Human Age: 17 Room Number: Rooming With: Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Appearance: [img]http://img1.joyreactor.com/pics/post/art-eyes-watercolor-sandbox-1311531.jpeg[/img] Personality: Ambrosia tends to be rather fickle in her interests. There are only two exceptions. The first exception is her paintings, oil paints on canvas, where she creates a variety of styles and subjects depending on her mood. The second far, more important exception is food. Ambrosia after being held back for so long now finds pure joy in the act of eating. There is very little Ambrosia won't do to get ahold of something that she has not eaten before. Despite her fickle nature, Ambrosia is very analytical thinking over every situation to maximize her potential benefit. She is skilled in thinking her way around problems and finding solutions that others may not. Bio: Ambrosia was born into a wealthy household and due to several food allergies kept on a very strict diet all of her life. Ambrosia resented her parents for this as the smells of tantalizingly delicious foods always came from their plates. One day as her parents were gone, Ambrosia took all the foods she was never able to eat and began devouring them in her bedroom unable to stop her inner gluttony whatsoever. She could feel her throat tightening slowly as the food began to cause a reaction, but still she gorged herself not bothering with the small pile of epipens beside her. Right before, Ambrosia ran out of air she heard a voice speak in her head. It told her that had pleased it greatly with her act of gluttony and that she would bear it's mantle. She felt a sharp pain burning through her stomach and passed out. When she awoke she had gained three things: an intricate tattoo of a gaping fanged mouth on her stomach, knowledge on what her ability was and how to use it, and strengthened muscles to give her basic combat proficiency. In addition, somehow an invitation had arrived to attend a certain academy. Eager and fresh with the focus to experience more food and grow her fledgling ability she decided to attend. She convinced her parents to attend by showing them her abilities by eating the leftover fish dish they had brought home and growing fish scales. They did not want a freak of a daughter but Ambrosia gained their support by noting the possible financial boon increasing her abilities could make them and they soon acquiesced. Power 1: Absorption- Ambrosia has the ability to eat anything physical safely, assimilate it, absorb into herself and gain additional abilities corresponding to what she consumed and can even strengthen acquired abilities if she consumes the original ability multiple times. Powers currently gained: Fish Scales Generation, Photosynthesis, Water Breathing, Swim Speed Increase, Sweet Scent Likes: Delicious food, unique food, food, painting, current events Dislikes: Wastefulness, feeling controlled Family: Parents though it is more of a business relationship. Friends: None currently Sentimental Attachment: painting supplies Weapon: Teeth Other: The Mantle of Gluttony shows that she is Gluttony's chosen avatar in this world for good or ill. [/hider]