Keket silently walked into the room, finding a nice place to sit off to the side. She looked at the other team, seeing their massive coordination and finding it amusing. She crossed her legs at the knee and slipped the knife hidden in the thigh portion of her left boot out of its sheath. She pulled a peach from her pocket, beginning to slice small wedges out and eat them. Anyone looking at her would note that she simply ate and observed, seeming to be waiting for the rest of the group to be her companions. They would be correct in assuming she was being reserved as she was still rather fresh on the ship. Her usually fiery nature was being actively kept in check, seemingly to help her gauge her surroundings. Anyone with any knowledge of how her pressure bands worked would notice they were nearly as tight as possible for their latches, hinting that she was at the least anxious or angry and at worst positively livid and stressed.