[h2]A.L.M.A. Unit "Roxanne"[/h2] Ah. An interruption. That was unfortunate, but sometimes, pilots were required for multiple missions in a row. Evidently, this was one such event - though it was unusual for the smaller droid to actively profess a mission in lieu of Doctor Rei or herself. 'Pardon me, Lilliana,' she excused herself, 'I have to attend to the new mission with Simmons. If you wish to participate, then do come along, and we can continue our conversation there.' With that uttered, Roxanne left her chassis behind, once more adopting the lenses and microphones of the station as a whole. Whilst the Jury chassis was ferried toward the hangar by claw and mechanical subsystems, Roxanne focused her attentions on the hangar proper. Or at least dedicated a more substantial portion of her processing toward that matter than she usually would. She had already established that Simmons headlining a mission was unusual, of course. Within the hangar, her voice rang out loudly: 'Might I ask what situation you need to bring to our attention, Simmons?' she queried, her voice as level as ever and ever so slightly tinny coming from the station's speakers. In the back of her mind, she made a note to suggest to the good Doctor that an upgrade was due for them any time soon; they ought to be producing clear noise, as though she were present in a chassis proper.