[i]~As his mind passes from the world of the living the nothingness rushes in to meet him. The darkness is as dreadful as ever, each moment just like the last. He had long ago given up on anything ever changing in this dark, empty place. He wanders back and forth for a few minutes, his footsteps making not a sound. His own breathing is muted in his ears and eventually he plops down and tucks his legs up against his chest. [b]At least I'm not injured here. . . That's at least something. . . [/b] with a sigh he looks around without any real hope of seeing anything. Even though he knows there is nothing to find, his curiosity doesn't let him sit for long. Instead after a few quiet minutes he stands and begins wandering again. Then suddenly, something is different. A faint tingle, familiar but foreign to his dream world, starts in the back of his hand. Looking down his gazes at the mark on the back of his hand. His eyes widen in wonders as it seems to start spinning. [b]This is impossible. . .[/b] Touching his fingers to the smooth surface of the mark it's obvious that the skin itself is not moving, however when he pulls his fingers back it indeed looks to sill be spinning. [b]What does it mean. . .?[/b] Then suddenly there is a tug. His arm rises off somewhere to his right and without thinking he turns to follow it. His arm drops back to his side, but he continues walking. [b]Something is there. . . I can feel it. . . It seems so familiar. . .[/b] His feet continue to move, his mind trying to comprehend just what is happening.~[/i] ~~~~*~~~~ Rue is roused from his sleep by a sudden influx of unfamiliar energy. He sits bolt up right, his fists coming up ready for a fight. Blinking his eyes rapidly to looks around the room for the source of the sudden rush of energy. He glares into the corners, trying to put on a tough front even as he lets out a huge yawn. Suddenly the energy hit him again and his head whips around to look at the man in the bed beside him. [i]'It's coming from him? Really? I wonder what kind of energy it is. It's not like the dark stuff that makes me sick, and it's not like the light stuff that makes me happy. . .'[/i] Dropping his hands on tot he covers he yawns again and lays back down. [i]'Well, whatever it is, I can ask tomorrow. I'm sure Mister Seishu can tell me. . .'[/i] With that the dream minion falls directly back to sleep with a smile on his lips.