[center][h1][color=0072bc]Salem Vicarious, Lord of Lost Things[/color][/h1][/center] [@Lugubrious] [@Archmage MC] Salem looked on in enraptured curiosity as Graft handled and ultimately revealed Penn's third creation. Graft's request seemed unusual to Salem, whose eyes ran over the bruised and battered form before them, finding nothing unusual about it. Creators built, used, abused, and abandoned their creations; this was an axiom of existence, Graft's denial of which surprised Salem. But the doll remained quiet, silently agreeing to Graft's oath of secrecy. But if Salem were in Graft's shoes, Salem would immediately act to dispose of the Nightgaunt. After all, due to the level of abuse and being locked in a private room, it was clear to Salem that this one had been Penn's favorite, and Salem couldn't abide anyone or anything challenging their position as the favorite. In Salem's eyes, this creature had the potential to usurp Graft, especially if Rodias was overcome with a desire to preserve and uplift things that were particularly close to the other Sable Lords. Salem said nothing, seeing the level of care Graft poured into his newfound 'sibling', but Salem felt that this foolish sentimentality was unbecoming of the crafty and business-minded director. Salem's eyes widened as Graft launched into a soliloquy on the infinite possibilities of progress, realizing that Graft was actually excited about the idea of uplifting this creature to equal himself and the other Chapter Keepers. At first, Salem approved of the idea of Graft tearing into his sibling, finding out her secrets, and improving his own knowledge-base, but balked when he stated his desire to apply that knowledge to help her grow. Even Graft's final statement of using that knowledge to help himself and the others to develop wasn't enough to offset the fact that Graft was willing to enable his potential usurper. Of course, Light's proximity was definitely making the more insecure and paranoid voices in Salem's head particularly loud. But when Graft asked for a name and clothes, Salem spoke up, [color=0072bc]"That's not exactly fair. You've already asked us both for the favor of keeping mum, and now you're asking for free clothes and a name? As a businessman and an engineer, don't you think you should offer something for compensation? After all, 'something for nothing' is not exactly a very good economic, nor scientific principle. You wouldn't want Light or I to 'accidentally' spill the beans would you?"[/color] Salem giggled at the obvious attempt at blackmail. [color=0072bc]"I'm joking of course, but I think that you could at least offer Light one of the things she requested earlier at no cost, in return for the favor of silence, and for a name. Whereas I have no short supply of dresses, if you think Gothic Lolita is her style. In fact, I can grant you and her access to my entire wardrobe if you can't decide whether you want to dress her up as a boy or a girl, or something in between."[/color] Salem smirked at the idea of Graft using the Nightgaunt as a plaything and humiliating her with embarrassing outfits. Perhaps doing so would move him away from any thoughts of developing her. [color=0072bc]"As for compensation for me... I can't think of anything right now, so we'll just compound favor on top of favor. Perhaps I'll cash it in at a later date..."[/color] Salem floated into a reclining position and yawned nonchalantly, while inside, the doll was enjoying the possibility of indenturing Graft, not because Salem wanted or needed anything in particular from the director, but merely because Salem enjoyed exerting power.