[b]Plot:[/b] In addition to the two worlds used for the Survival Game, there are many more countless worlds that also experienced the Survival Game. In relation to the other worlds, the God of Time and Space, Deus Ex Machina, has 90 days before his eventual death, and thus begins the Survival Game to decide his successor of his power and title. How this world is different from the two other worlds? The 12 expected participants simply do not exist in this world, and thus, 12 new Diary Holders will be chosen to fight to the death. 90 days to leave one Diary Holder left standing to become God. There will be alliances, betrayals, bystanders killed in the crossfire, and the struggle to survive. Just who will be the last one standing? [b]Rules[/b]: Pretty basic rules... 1. NO godmodding. That includes moving someone's character for them and/or killing them off without their permission. 2. As we only need 12 Diary Holders, the spaces are limited. If the title you want is taken, just go for another one. If we don't seem to have all 12 by the time the IC is started, it is okay to have a second character if we don't get any other players to join. 3. For the sake of not having two people reply back and forth, I will put a posting order before the IC is started. 4. If you're going to leave the roleplay or be gone for a certain amount of time, say so in the OOC or PM me so I won't kick you out. This is to keep this roleplay active. 5. Have fun! [b]Useful Information:[/b] -[i]Future Diary:[/i] The primary item used in the Survival Game, and there will be one for each participant of the Survival Game. Even if the way it functions is unique to each user (ex: predicts future deaths, predicts future loves, etc.), the Future Diaries are to predict the Future regardless. If the user's death is to come, it comes with a Dead End flag on their Future Diary, and only way to avoid the Dead End is to alter the future that is displayed on the Future Diary. -[i]Deus Ex Machina:[/i] The God of Time and Space, and the gamemaster of the Survival Game. He does not interfere with the game at all, and would choose his "favorite" to win. (NPC) -[i]MurMur[/i]: An assistant for Deus Ex Machina, she is very childish and playfully innocent. She would usually pass out the participants their Future Diaries in order for the Survival Game to begin. (NPC) [b]The 12 Diary Holders[/b] 1st: [b]Julie Galanis[/b] ([i]Eebs[/i]) 2nd: [b]Harold Nillson[/b] ([I]Mtntopview[/I]) 3rd: [i]reserved for Syblyx[/i] 4th: [b]Saito Hibiya[/b] ([i]TheRpgGamer[/i]) 5th: [b]Hana Shimizu[/b] ([i]Gummi Bunnies[/i]) 6th: [b]Kenji "Ken" Hiroma[/b] ([i]BioHazard[/i]) 7th: [b]Andrew Simmons[/b] ([i]Sam12345[/i]) 8th: [i]reserved for CharlieKinsa[/i] 9th: [b]Vance "Venator" Hannen[/b] ([i]Mtntopview[/i]) 10th: [i]reserved for Gohan[/i] 11th: [b]Himu Matsui[/b] [i](ReapTheMusic)[/i] 12th: [I]reserved for DAWNSTAR[/i] [b]Character Sheet:[/b] Appearance: Name: Title: Age: Gender: Occupation: Personality: Skills: Future Diary: Backstory: Sample Post: --- [hider= Hana Shimizu, Fifth][img=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/031/9/f/anime_girl_by_xogirlxo78-d4o9p67.jpg] Name: Hana Shimizu Title: 5th Age: 17 Gender: Female Occupation: High School Student / Part Time Cashier Personality: Hana simply excludes herself from everything, especially what she has to keep inside such as her inner emotions and opinions. Everything she does, she feels that no one would accept her for who she is. Her beliefs that no one would accept her makes her very socially awkward, to the point that she went suicidal to “escape” it all. Then she began to get used to all of the exclusion, and began to hate “lies” that came her way. Covering all of her inner conflicts, Hana basically takes the role of a bubbly and kind schoolgirl. Skills: Acting - Due to the years of being told of what to be, Hana can take on any personality to get what she wants, to the point where it seems almost genuine. Tech Wiz - As she was rejected many times in the real world, Hana spends most of her time on any kind of technology, gaining some experience on it’s perks. Future Diary: It appears as a smartphone, and it is called by her as the Fraud Diary. It would update in ten minute intervals to tell the future of what lies would be told towards her and it’s after effects. It would be enough to make sure no one is really deceiving her, but it’s only weakpoint is that it never tells her anything if someone is telling the truth. Backstory: She’s never seen her real biological parents, and she wasn’t so sure why exactly she was never told what happened to them. Hana has foster parents, who told her early on that they were her real parents, excluding the fact that she was adopted. For a young mind, she would always believe that, and respond with a “I love you!” every time. But as all lies, it would be eventually figured out by Hana as her childhood progressed. Near the end of her middle school years, Hana was excited for the graduation ceremony, but the entirety of the class, even her only friend, told her not to come to the ceremony. It was strange to Hana, as she seemed so close to the class, but it was all lies. They never liked her at all, they always found her weird from how she was actually an adopted Japanese child. Those words, “you’re adopted”, were said to her straight to the face, Hana never came to the ceremony, and cried to herself in her room. Her mom did comfort her that night, saying to her “They’re lying, you’re our child after all.” Hana then believed that, because she always called her “mom” and her father “dad.” That was, until while cleaning the house for her chores, she ran into a pile of papers that had her adoption forms. It was all a lie, her entire life. Her parents, they were a lie. Her school life, it was a lie. Her own past, all lost in lies. That broke her innocence, because she knew she couldn’t put any more trust into people. They would always lie to her anyways. To escape those lies, Hana ran away, never back to those so-called “parents.” To avoid those future lies, Hana excluded herself from everything. She didn’t even attend school as much in the future, only appearing a few times if she had nothing to do on her own. As she was old enough by high school, she got herself a small apartment for herself to live in, and holed herself into the anonymous place of technology to express herself as she knew no one would know who she was. Sample Post: After what seemed to be the entirety of the day, Hana gently placed her laptop on her untidy bed, the dark room illuminated by the screen of her online blog. Sure, she only typed a few sentences in as a quick update to whoever follows her blog, but she had no inspiration on what else to type. It wasn’t like they would know who she was, what she was interested, or that no one would really care what she typed here. Once it’s read, it’s forgotten, it’s not their life anyways. It was the internet, Hana knew that they would never think what she typed about her uneventful life was true or not, but at least she never made lies herself. The life she had before, the life full of lies that gave her false hope, that life is dead. All she brought from that dead life was some money she managed to grab from the house of her “parents,” and the birth certificate of her real name: “Hana Shimizu.” At least with that, that’s all that was true about herself. “I’m done….” she mumbled to herself as she exited out of the online blog after submitting the short post, and then shut the laptop off. The brightness of her laptop flickered away, her small apartment complex now shrouded in darkness. Silently, she laid down on her bed, her eyes gazing at the window nearest to her, the pounding of the rain was almost deafening. “That sound, it must be raining hard…” she droned to herself, as if her voice was what comforted her the most. However, Hana began to feel drowsy, as if the rain outside was a lullaby to her, her eyes slowly closing into a deep slumber...that was… “Hhhheeeeeeyyyyyyy! Don’t you go to sleep now! I just got here!!” a young voice of a girl rang out within her apartment. Wait...it was clear that Hana was alone in her apartment, then who was this?...She slowly opened her eyes again, to see a short girl with light purple hair...surely that wasn’t natural at all...it was like she came from a child’s fantasy book. “If you’re a figment of my imagination...then please go away, you don’t exist…” Hana grumbled, turning her back to the little girl as she prepared to go to sleep again. For a figment of her imagination, this girl was quite persistent, shaking her roughly. “I’m noooooottttttt! I need you awake! I have something for you for a Game!!!” the girl wails, and then mentions something about a “game.” Alright...so this girl wasn’t really some form of her imagination… “Tell me about that Game you mentioned…either way that makes this quick...I want to get some sleep,” Hana sighed, sitting up on her bed. The sooner this girl tells her about the game, the sooner Hana could go back to bed. “Oh! Thank you thank you thank you! I’m MurMur, the assistant of the God of Time and Space! And lucky you, you’re destined to a battle to the death against eleven others….in a Survival Game!” the girl exclaimed with excitement. “Is that it?...it’s late to be playing fantasy...er, MurMur…” Hana rose an eyebrow, a little skeptical if this was for real or not. A battle to the death? “Yup! the last one standing gets to become God too! Here’s a little something for you, Fifth, your very own Future Diary!” MurMur nods and hands over what seemed to be a smartphone. Wanting this girl to go away, Hana only takes the phone and looks at it closely. It was just some plain phone… “How does this Future Diary work?....” Hana insisted to ask, wondering what answer she would get. “Oh, it tells the future in many ways! For you...er, I think it tells you the future of whoever says a lie around you and it’s after effects. It’s like some lie detector of the future!!!” MurMur answered. That got her interested right away. A way...to see if people were really lying to her or not...it’s just what she needed. “Soooo...I’m going to be off now, good luck with the Survival Game ma’am!” MurMur said before running off, and then disappearing from sight from Hana… “A chance to become God…..” Hana mumbled to herself as she looked at the Future Diary she now possessed…”I accept...as the Fifth…” she said with a small smile on her face.[/hider]