[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/cJLLr4Fv/image.png[/img] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/3N5hCKFC/image.png[/img][hr][img]https://i.postimg.cc/Vv7F6QDF/source.gif[/img][hr][@BlueSky44][@Kirah][@Nallore][@FantasyChic][@Natsu][/center][hr][center][h3][color=FF1C06][b]The Hub - San Fransisco: December 24th, 2020 - 6:20 P.M.[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][hr][color=FF1C06][b][i]The Common Room...[/i][/b][/color] Novikova's shoulder was tender and bleeding, thanks to Roman's bite. [color=add3ff]"Agh, this is not the kinky evening I wanted,"[/color] she muttered, letting Maria stand in front of her for the moment. Maria did have more skills when it came to fighting and she wasn't about to argue with her fiancée at the moment. [color=add3ff]"If I turn into an alien, I'm suing,"[/color] she then added. But before either Maria or Novikova could do anything, Oliver had sprayed Roman with vodka, stolen the knife, and hit him over the head with a bottle. The alien didn't say a word, vodka dripping down his face. He lunged at Oliver, only for Novikova to kick him in the back and send him to the ground. She was glaring at the creature as she sent the utensils in the room up into the air, suspending them just inches from the creature's throat. [color=add3ff]"Tell us what the hell is going on or I dissect you and win a Nobel Prize for the groundbreaking research."[/color] "Your planet is lost," the alien hissed. "The secret invasion has already begun." [color=FF1C06][b][i]The Park...[/i][/b][/color] Bonnie shook her head slightly at Cass' comment, not even wanting to get into that at the moment. She hadn't slept with Flynn - Bonnie was taking things relatively slow with their relationship. Anything faster was just too much for her at the moment. Flynn thankfully didn't poke any fun at that, getting onto one of the trikes and Bonnie got on behind him. Less than ten minutes later, they were all at the park with Tempest, Tinley, and the others. Raynor and Sparky touched down a moment later, having flown there. [color=f6989d]"I have these for everyone - one inhibitor dart, it fits into your gun like any bullet,"[/color] Bonnie explained, handing out the inhibitor darts to everyone. [color=f6989d]"I also have this - it generates an inhibitor field. I'll place these orbs around Deadpool and immobilize him,"[/color] she added. She figured the others - those with more combat experience - would be able to handle the Merc with a Mouth and she would try to use the device to pin him into one location. [color=d86615]"Got it, we hide and then jump him,"[/color] Raynor summarized, not caring too much to point out how difficult it would be for him to hide in the bright red Santa suit he was currently wearing - and Sparky was dressed as an elf at the moment. He walked over to one of the trees in the area and he climbed up it, perching in the branches as he was ready to quite literally [i]jump[/i] on Deadpool the moment he saw him. He twirled the inhibitor dart slightly, before inserting it into one of his pistols and waiting. Bonnie glanced around for a moment, before she spotted a few bushes that seemed like as good a place as any to hide. Carrying the device to make the inhibitor field with her, she went and crouched behind the bushes, practically vanishing from sight. Everyone would be able to find a place to hide - just in time as well, as Tempest had asked Deadpool to meet "Peter" in ten minutes... ten minutes ago. Deadpool's motorcycle was roaring as he pulled into the park, the sack of gifts slung over his shoulder and the puppy barking happily under his arm. [color=hotpink]"Oh Spidey, I'm heeeereee~!"[/color] he sang. [color=hotpink]"I'm ready for you to make an honest man out of me~!"[/color]