Archetype: Demigod Name: Alexander Quinn Alias: Hyperion Age: 24 Powers: Alexander is the demi-god son of Hyperion the titan of light and because of his divine heritage he possesses incredible powers. Light Manipulation: Alex can control light in a variety of ways. He can shoot beams of heated light at his enemies to create a powerful explosion. He can create auras of light that can allow him to withstand powerful attacks as well as boost his strength. Alex is also able to create and manipulate objects made of solid light. Weaknesses: Silver is like kryptonite to him and will slowly drain his powers. He also is slightly vulnerable to pure iron, which causes his powers to be less effective against the material. His powers are also much weaker when in an area of complete darkness and he can't reach full strength when it is night time. Alignment: hero Personality: determined, rash, naive, loyal and reckless Appearance: [pic or description] BRIEF Bio: Potential Storylines: [What do you have in mind for your character?] Notes: [anything else you need to tell us?]