[right][b]ANUBIS[/b][/right] Anubis walked through the corridors of the senate building flanked by Kull Warriors. People moved to the side, some recognizing him and moving out of respect bowing their heads as they did so. Others moved with the raw stench of fear, and defiance, radiating from them. It was obvious that as of yet his power was not complete, there were still those who looked to defy him. Those who would not come to accept his power. He took a left onto a small hover platform at the edge of the senate. As he walked in the lights in the room dimmed, he cast out his influence and cut out the speakers. There was a murmur of chaos erupting throughout the senate until he spoke, his platform hovering above that of Palpatine's. "Silence." It took a second, silence spread throughout the room as fear washed through the room like a tidal wave. While most of the beings in this room had heard of Anubis since his arrival, barely any of them had seen him. A hologram of Alderaan appeared in the senate as in orbit of the planet parsecs away an Assimilator dropped out of hyperspace. It didn't communicate, it merely sat. "I have come to understand some speak of dissent. Rebellion. An unwillingness to follow. I understand." He indicated towards Palpatine. "This pretender has misguided you for years, betrayed you as he controlled both sides of a war to bring dissent and terror to the Galaxy. A war that many will continue to feel for generations, a plot for control and to kill the Jedi. I am not a feeble man such as him." He raised a hand as Palpatine was lifted from the pedestal seemingly lifeless. "You all serve me now, and the glory of your God Anubis is one that you shall all accept." On the hologram, a storm could be seen brewing on Alderaan, on the entire planet. "My power is not of your [i]Jedi[/i] or [i]Sith[/i] but of a true God. Behold-" He raised both hands as the hologram continued to show the rapid storm building on Alderaan. "A show of my power, for any who doubt you may travel to this world of Alderaan yourselves for one day. Then the might of my power will destroy the planet. I need no ships or weapons to pull off such a feat. This is my power, accept me into your hearts and I shall be a merciful God, a death with me in your hearts leads to a glorious afterlife. Defy me, and you shall burn for all eternity." As the lights came back on Anubis was gone, and the body of Palpatine lay limp and lifeless. [hr] [right][b]USAF DAEDALUS[/b][/right] As the shields of the Assimilator fell it was blown apart from the inside by a nuclear detonation. As it was ripped apart leaving them with five of the new ships to deal with one of the ships entered hyperspace for an unknown location. The debris from the broken apart ship spread out, colliding with nearby ships. Two of the remaining Venators were destroyed by the debris alone. The odds were looking better and better as time went on. As the [i]Resurgence[/i] mentioned boarding operations Caldwell shook his head slightly. With the sheer number of fighters out there, any boarding operation would suffer heavy losses. Caldwell hit his comm button, hopping onto the battlenet that they had established throughout the fleet. "[i]Resurgence, Daedalus[/i]. If you gather all your boarding parties in one place, tell me where they are aboard your ship and what enemy ship you want them to go on and where I can beam your people aboard. It'll be safer than sending them across in landing craft. End Message" The Daedalus turned on its X Axis as it pulled up in a spiral over the top of the Aegis as laser fire continued to pepper it from the incoming fleet. There was a strange noise before a figure appeared on the bridge, an Imperial Officer however instead of the Imperial or Republic insignia upon his lapel it was that of Anubis. A hologram. "Earth Ship Daedalus. My master wishes to meet, head to Lothal in two days time. He will meet you there." Then the hologram vanished as the enemy fleet stopped firing. The Venators with their hyperdrives turned around slowly before making the jump to lightspeed, whereas the Assimilators simply opened hyperspace windows and they were gone. Debris littered the space as the ships vanished from sight. [hr] [right][b]Coruscant[/b][/right] Sheppard turned to the marines as the shuttle turned around heading back towards the temple. "It's too much to get into now, they're called Kull Warriors. They're basically undead super soldiers in nigh indestructable armour-" As the door to the shuttle opened with them low enough to the ground he tapped his radio to speak so that they could hear them. "I'll meet you back on the Glasgow. I'm going to hop in the Jumper and fly escort." [hr] [right][b]Alderaan[/b][/right] As the overbearing presence crashed down on Alderaan and the storm clouds began to brew Teyla fell to her knees. The concentrated will of Anubis overpowering her. She had known for some time now of her potential to interact with beings psychically but she had never experienced a mind such as this. She groaned in pain as others either looked to her or too the skies as the winds began to pick up. Rain started to pour and in the distance lightning could be seen striking everything in sight.