[@POOHEAD189][@TyrannosaursRex][@The Wyrm][@Blueskin][@Penny][@Dusty][@BangoSkank] Just a swift missive before we get going and, although I don't feel I need to tell anyone here, I also feel that I may as well since it has caused so many of my roleplays to die a death. Please use time to interact and work on detail - most of you have done/are part of 1x1 RPs, so this shouldn't be a problem - but so many of my roleplays have died simply because the writers decided to wait for me to move them from set-piece to set-piece. I would prefer this not happen here, honestly. I'm happy for a minor amount of godmodding in the case of NPCs, or with permission from one player to another, just as I'm alright with a little sandboxing from time-to-time as long as it doesn't derail the entire thing - think D&D and other TT RPGs. I know there are/will be some scenes where nothing can be done, no one can converse with another character about anything meaningful etc, and that's perfectly alright. Communication and initiative are the bywords here, between writers and me as the GM/Narrator. Have a problem? Tell me. A question? Ask me. An idea? Post it in this thread. I'll finish my minor ramble here, and won't lecture anyone anymore, I've looked at all your writing and I know I shouldn't need to. Thank you for reading, and apologies if this comes off as patronising, it really isn't meant that way.