[table][row][i][b][color=a0410d]Trace Retloth[/color][/b] Main Entrance Assault[/i][/row][cell] Just as Trace was about to finish the sword wielder, that other lancer came charging around the corner and caught him at the same time. So uncommonly unfortunate was the bandit that he caught that other lancer's strike somewhere near the neck at the same moment that Trace's own lance pierced his chest through the side. It was an anti-climactic end to his final battle. The bandit swordsman fell with barely a confused gurgle. Trace didn't exchange much more than a glance with the other lancer before taking a place beside the main entrance. Both of them knew what they were doing and there were still enemies to slaughter, though not outside. Trace realized as he looked around that the remaining enemies all seemed to be inside the fort, or dying. Well, it would be a safer gambit with the other lancer involved. After all, there was no telling how that archer's horse would handle the interior... to say nothing of the rather savage wyvern. As for Trace, he waited for long enough for the others in the immediate area to finish their business. In particular, he watched the other lancer. Depending on how he was trained, he might know the meaning of Trace's position. It was not uncommon for a pair of lancers to enter a hostile room in the same breath, side by side, before splitting up to face any foes on the flanks while their allies charged into the center. Trace was in position for his side. It remained to be seen if this other lancer would follow suit. [/cell] [cell][img]https://i.imgur.com/QzyCrZx.jpg[/img] [center]_________________________ Status: [color=lawngreen]Lightly Injured[/color] [/center][u]Class[/u]: Recruit [u]Inventory[/u]:[list][*]Iron Lance 3/3 [*]Vulnerary 3/3 [/list] Exp:85 [/cell][/table]