[h3]Breda Spellsinger[/h3] Person: 12 years old born in the sign of Ylvae, Pylonthian male Status: [color=#7BFF66]Very sore, but ok![/color] Fate: 1 [hider=Equipment]Currently wearing: Unremarkable shirt and pants. Common shoes. Carrying: Lute - Strapped to back[/hider][hider=Traits & Afflictions][b]Approachable[/b] Breda’s kind demeanour and gentle attitude makes him very easy to talk to. People will generally have a more positive attitude to him and engage with him more willingly. [b]Latent Magic[/b] Breda have yet to awaken his ability to use magic and can’t accumulate mana.[/hider][hider=Skills][b]Musical Talents[/b] Breda is well practiced in both singing and playing the lute. He can perform the most common songs of Pylonthia and learn new ones with ease.[/hider][hider=Techniques]Breda doesn’t know any techniques yet![/hider]