[hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=E5D0FF][center]Vertigo [img]https://i.imgur.com/tcB0Jl8.gif[/img][/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][color=E5D0FF][b]Location:[/b][/color] Sisterhood Base [color=E5D0FF][b]Skills:[/b][/color] N/A [/center] Elara could only stand and watch as the group around her continued to battle the T-Rex. What little she'd done already seemed to be just useless efforts. Her lips pressed into a frown. All of these people had abilities that could affect things physically. Her own strength was much different. At the moment, it was frustrating to realize that she couldn't do much against a threat like this. It was still hard to grasp that this pre-historic animal was [i]real[/i]. If it was just an illusion, like everything had been before, then how was it able to hurt them? What other forces were at play, here? It was then that Elara heard the voices. She immediately turned her attention towards the source of them. The ceiling? Were they in some observation room, obscured from view? The first voice was unrecognizable, but Elara felt her blood boil as she heard the second. [i][b]Rae Gardner.[/b][/i] So, this really had been just a set up? She knew they were being sent into a trap. She was most likely hoping that they would finish each other off in a fight. Now that things weren't going her way, she'd decided to do it herself. Gardner spoke again, this time referring to the first voice as sister. It was then that Elara [i]finally[/i] pieced two and two together, which made her feel completely stupid that she hadn't figured it out already. These sisters were behind the death of Serval Industries former CEO, Harrison Snow. In what other ways had Gardner lead Serval Industries wrong in the past few months? It wouldn't be safe to return to Serval, and now she realized that it wouldn't be safe to return home. This woman knew everything about her. She knew her identity, and her face. [i]Father...[/i] She thought, instantly feeling fear for his safety. If they didn't stop her soon, she could use his safety as a threat. Elara was shocked to see four new threats materialize in the room. [color=E5D0FF]"So, Gardner is an illusionist too?"[/color] She murmured to herself, but she soon grimaced as she saw the illusions cause physical damage to her new acquaintances. Before she could step in to help, she also saw the man in green leather aim an arrow towards the voices. Only for the arrow to come hurtling back down towards him. [i]They're using each of their abilities against us to [b]make[/b] the illusions real.[/i] She curled her hands into fists in anger. [i]How can we beat that?[/i] Looking around, Elara saw that Watts had killed one of the velociraptors. They were able to be beaten, but wouldn't Gardner and her friends simply conjure up more illusions to fight? When would it end? How could Elara help to end it in her companion's favors? She needed to get to the source. She needed to get out of this room. Or she needed to play a few tricks on Gardner too. In order to do so, Elara stopped affecting the T-Rex's sight. It would hardly matter if the beast could see. The illusion of the beast wasn't what they needed to fear. Whatever was causing the physical pain was what they needed to fear. They wouldn't know what it was until the illusions were dismantled. [color=E5D0FF]"Why wasn't I also gifted with the ability to see [i]through[/i] illusions?"[/color] She grumbled, glancing around at the action before she thought of the only thing that could help them all at once. She was going to have to take on the sisters. Hesitantly, Elara closed her eyes to the action before her. The sounds of chaos faded into the background as Elara focused all of her attention on what she was about to do. She searched the room with her mind, seeking out the strong minds of the three women that were playing with them. Swallowing, she attempted to sneak her way into the heads of the Mastermind sisters. Unfortunately, she felt herself lose touch as quickly as she started. [i]This isn't a good time for this to happen.[/i] She thought as she shook out her hands. [i]One more try.[/i] She wasn't sure who the third voice had been, but she could feel their presence near the Mastermind sisters. It was the last resort, and Elara put all of her focus into reaching out for her. If she was successful, she would give the woman a strong enough sensation of Vertigo that she would be writhing on the ground. [color=8C2323][i]"You should learn not to mess with people more powerful then you,"[/i][/color] Madelyn's voice appeared in Elara's head, before she would end up frozen in place, unable to move. Elara's eyes flew open, wide in sheer terror. As much as she tried, her muscles would not budge. Instant panic set in. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest, and it felt like the large room had gotten much smaller-[sub]as small as a car[/sub]. [i]No, no no![/i] This couldn't be happening. She'd underestimated the third woman [i]immensely[/i]. What was she going to do now? [sub][i]Scream for help. Elyse is dead. There's something in the back of your neck.[/i][/sub] Elara shut her eyes tightly, trying to block out the flashbacks that were haunting her as she stood in place. [i]Please, stop.[/i] She begged in her head. It was a last ditch effort that the woman would have mercy on her. If this didn't work, she was sure that the panic would overwhelm her.