[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/05HsxLv2/19f1b5d5d80e175ad5182d5d59c22e47.png[/img][/center] [hr] Despite having heard the announcement for a meeting, Liz still managed to arrive late. In her defense, it wasn't entirely her fault as one of the engineers who was analyzing some pieces that were recently received from one of the scavenger teams asked for her help to see if it was able to repair an old, medium sized mercureal boiler that was recovered. She ended up taking more time than she thought it would take, since it's interior was in much worse state than both of them previously though. Most other engineers would have instantly realized that it was a waste of time and given up, including the very engineer who asked for her help, but Liz ended up getting a bit too excited with rebuilding it... And that brought her to the situation she was at the moment, darting back and forth on her quarters, getting her equipment, her weapons and all the stuff she would probably need in an eventual mission before running to where the meeting was probably already taking place. [color=fff79a]"I'm sorry! I'm late, I know... Was helping an engineer from the other team with a medium sized boiler that was recovered in a scavenging run. It ended up being in a worse state than we previously thought it was..."[/color] Liz said as she dashed inside the room, after taking a moment to catch her breath. Even though Liz was pretty new on the ship, due to her enthusiastic and energetic behavior had already earned her some fans and a lot of people liked to have her around. Despite that, she was still new and didn't know many people inside the ship other than a few, like Kiimi, the other engineer, who was one of the first people she bonded with when she boarded the ship. [color=fff79a]"Everyone calls me Liz or Lizzie, feel free to do the same. It's a pleasure to meet you all!"[/color] She said, with a smile and a friendly wave as she looked to the group that was reunited in the room. [color=fff79a]"So... Did I miss anything? What is this meeting for?"[/color] Liz asked curiously as she looked around, noticing that there two teams on that meeting.