[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/80e736e0-6f60-468f-a3d6-1399b40de230.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/uiTlaSF.png[/img][/center] [color=278723][indent][B][sup][sub][h3]Taupo Tribe[/h3][/sub][/sup][/B][/indent][/color] [indent][sup][color=silver] August 25th, Evening | Auleili Foa’i, Nantegan people[/color][/sup][/indent] [hider][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/bab3b6d2-2261-44d9-890b-686b90a2a58c.jpg [/img][/hider] She squinted slightly in the dark of the jungle, waiting for her eyes to adjust after hours spent facing the blazing bonfire. The roaring of the war drums, that had sounded from sun-up and continued unabated, dimmed as she left the communal field and picked her way towards the forest. Smiling and thanking those she came across, all with a prayer of safety for the leader of the Nantegan delegation, Talia came to stop just beyond the border of her home and the greater jungle. The chattering voices, the sounds of many *hapūs celebrating slowly fell away as she closed her eyes and knelt on the soft ground. Placing both hands flat on the earth she took a deep breath and slowly let it out. Just as the buzz of energy had fallen away, so too did her fears and apprehension. They would leave tomorrow. And tomorrow she became officially responsible for the lives of every single Nantegan representative. Tomorrow she became the leader, the face of Nantego. Tomorrow the honor and the strength of her people depended on her. But today, right now, she was scared. The responsibility, the worry, the nervousness weighed down her shoulders. All too soon the quiet, almost meditative state she had been lost in snapped as she heard the muffled footsteps slowly approach. A gentle hand pressed between her shoulder-blades, carefully navigating around the massive tufts of grass comprising her ceremonial garb. [b]“It’s time, my love.”[/b] Her mother’s understanding tone almost caused tears to prick at the corners of her eyes as the rest of the world came streaming back in. She allowed her head to fall forward, sending a prayer to the Mother Tree, as she pushed her tears of relief back before she quickly whirled around. Talia pressed her nose and forehead against her mother’s in the traditional greeting of her people before she pulled back with a wide smile. [color=278723] “Mama! You made it back!”[/color] As a Chosen, her mother had been sent on a week long pilgrimage to the Mother Tree, to ask for guidance and safe passage for the Nantegan delegation. However, Talia had been unsure as to whether her mother would make it back before she left. She had held onto the fact that her mother had at least seen her naming ceremony, the name that would go on to represent her to the rest of the *iwi for as long as people spoke of her. [b]“Of course I would. I wouldn’t have missed this for anything.” [/b]Linking her arm through her mothers, the two women made their way back towards the bonfire and the party that raged around it. People from different hapūs met up with old friends and acquaintances, uncertain as to when they would next meet. At her appearance, a low hum of noise rose as other members of the delegation broke away from their groups and made their way towards the dance area, set to the left of the bonfire. Saying goodbye to her mother, who had joined her family at the head of the crowd, she grabbed her ceremonial spear and took her place at the head of the formation. She waited until she heard the sounds of the others shifting into place settle before she thrust out her spear, a booming cry on her tongue. [color=278723]“*Kikiki! Kakaka!”[/color] she screamed into the night sky, silencing the crowd gathered before her. She bared her teeth and tongue in a snarl, the warriors behind her following suit. Like this they waited, intermittently letting out snarls and cries as they let the anticipation thrum through the air as the rest of the iwi hurried back. Suddenly, the war drums burst into a rapid rhythm, sending the warriors into a fury. At her command, they leapt and cried, calling for death and life in equal measure. With each step, with each cry, with each slash through the air, Talia let the ancient dance lend her strength and fury. All the previous trepidation and worry fled, to be replaced with the strength of all the warriors that had performed this dance. Her people before her added to her cries, fueling the fire that burned inside every single warrior behind her. They could feel their people, rooting for them and lending their strength. At last, her voice hoarse, her legs trembling, she bent on one knee, thrusting her spear before her. [color=278723]“Kikiki! Kakaka!”[/color] Her voice rang in the still of the night, the war drums finally falling silent. She rose as her uncle made his way towards her, the warriors silent at her back. He placed his hands on her arms as he pressed his nose against hers before turning to face the gathered group. [b]“My people! Here stand our warriors, the best of the best. Each hapu has given to this cause their pride and their future. I know many among us were wary of the quest, unwilling to lend more Nantegan souls to the Alovian cause. But the threat of war stirs between the hearts of our allies and their enemy. And all too soon the Alovians may call upon us. But my people, these brave warriors have taken up the challenge. When they succeed in their mission, we shall remain at peace. Free to tend to our farms, our families, our hapūs. And as a bonus, none of you— save my poor hapu— should have to see me beyond our gatherings every 5 years.” [/b]A rippling of laughter made its way across the people, with a few from Talia’s hapu groaning in fake despair. [b] “So let us unite now, as we send the blessings of the Mother with our warriors.”[/b] Starting the chant, the Chief stepped aside, returning the attention of the people towards the assembled warriors. [sup] *tribes/towns comprised of multiple families (sub-tribe) *confederation of tribes that can act similar to a nation, in this case Nantego *[url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ka_Mate]Ka Mate[/url]- A haka, or war dance. [/sup] [hr] [hr] [color=278723][indent][B][sup][sub][h3]The Ballroom[/h3][/sub][/sup][/B][/indent][/color] [indent][sup][color=silver] August 31st, Evening[/color][/sup][/indent] [hider][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/44ca46f3-665c-4d5b-a532-c4d2212b1fef.png[/img][/hider] The rich scent of the frangipani that adorned her outfit and laced through her hair comforted Talia as she entered the Thelian ball. Reminding her of home, it offered a little comfort as she entered unfamiliar land. As she had been warned, the sight of the Nantego delegation had shocked and alarmed the gathered Thelian nobility. The sight of their bared golden skin more than was allowed in high society, and inked tattoos clearly distinguished them from the rest of the satin and silk adorned men and women. Masking her unease Talia confidently strode towards the Thelian king. Despite the reason behind their presence, and their status as guests of honour, Talia observed the guards surrounding the Thelian king grow tense, their hands subtly moving towards their empty sheaths before encountering air, instead of the hilt of their swords. Inwardly she breathed a sigh of annoyance as she had simply planned on extending a quick greeting before moving towards the appetising tables of food. However, she felt the eyes, ears and mouths of her fellow guests following the small procession of Nantegans. Wishing desperately that her uncle was here for his ease in awkward social situations she bowed her head slightly before the king, who had straightened in interest. [color=278723] “King Charles. We thank you for your invitation and kind hospitality before our journey. We promise to do what we can to return the Queen to you.”[/color] She stopped with a smile, unsure of what else was required. The Nantegan people were unused to the rigid structure of Thelian and Alovian high society and found the duplicitous nature of their courts jarring and inhospitable. And so, she spoke only of what she meant, in the Nantegan way. No mention of honour, duty or a love for the Queen. The Nantegan delegation was here to stop a war from brewing, and hopefully, to save the lives of their people who would be called upon to join Alovia. But Talia was at least cognizant of the fact that that particular reasoning would not translate well to the others. The King nodded at her, thanking her and inviting them to partake in the party. Taking that as a sign of dismissal, Talia once more inclined her head before she led her party away from the King. After instructing her party to refrain from causing any problems, she allowed them to mingle and join the rest of the party. For Talia herself, she made her way to a relatively uncrowded section of the food table. Smiling slightly at anyone who caught her eye, she quickly turned her attention to the food. Pretending to be completely engrossed in the options before her, she mentally lamented her position once more. Rifling through the options before her she remembered her last morning at home. She has said goodbye to her family, for possibly the last time. The image of her mother, uncle, aunt and cousins standing in the threshold of their house saying their goodbyes was forever seared into her brain. She wasn’t naive enough to believe with absolute certainty that she, or the people under her charge, would make it back alive. And so she’d spent the last few hours at home soaking in and committing to memory every moment of her life. Playing with her cousins, learning from her aunt, shadowing her uncle, talking with her mother, training with the warriors, and hunting with her friends. Twenty-six years of memories were held in that place, and she feared never returning. Her hand quickly soothed the surface of her [url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/e8ffbe4f-ebde-4da9-b9b2-6571b2efbb43.jpg] necklace [/url] before letting go. Symbolising safe passage, prosperity and luck, she allowed herself to take heart in her gift and rid herself of the doubts that had been periodically plaguing her. She was the Kaieke of the Tohorā, or the Rider of the Whale. And she would guide her people safely home.