[hider=WIP // Warning, viewing this data without Class 5: Azure 3-2 clearance and memetic inoculation will be subject to a Hartmann-Laurel Amnesiatic Memetic Hazard] [center][h1][color=DAA520]Project[/color]: EMPYREAN[/h1][/center] [hr] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/37/88/58/378858eb10c0a924466b7c9782f9ace8.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] Target Archetype: Cosmic Name: Dr. Buckley O'Hara Age: Muddy, we know he's at least 48 years but his mind is ancient. Powers: [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/be/25/cd/be25cd07d05c8276cbd63c2e009faf54.jpg]Astral Projection[/url] - Dr. O'Hara's main mode of transportation on the Material Plane, able to peer into the tapestry of reality and apparate in the exact spot of his choosing. While in the Astral World he's little more than an apparition, haunting locations and watching the world with aloof interest. Occasionally speaking to passersby, inducing hallucinations, or engaging in minor poltergeistic activity. Immortality - With a capital I. In the few times we've had to use lethal force to attempt to banish a manifestation of Dr. O'Hara it's only succeeded in banishing him temporarily, with the longest banishment lasting 13 years and the shortest being 4 days. Matter Manipulation, Abstract - Dr. O'Hara's ability to manipulate the forces of the universe is both incredibly vast but at the same time completely scattered, restricted in their scope by his incomprehensible worldview and mental state. In one instance he could be completely harmless, as dangerous as any other athletic male, while in another he's able to conjure parlor tricks and dazzling illusions. Yet, in another still, he's converting some unfortunates bones into molten iron, inverting trucks, and muttering words that cause the paper to burn when transcribed. Manifestation - Dr. O'Hara has been shown to manifest physically on occasion. These manifestations are distinct from one another and are assumed to represent Dr. O'Hara's mental state during peak times in his Odyssey across space and time. [list] [*] [i][url=https://images.hdqwalls.com/download/astronaut-lost-in-space-rk-2048x2048.jpg]The Astronaut[/url] - Embodying Dr. O'Hara's wonder during the early part of his journey, The Astronaut appears in places where the mood is generally high. Recorded sightings in many festivals, fairs, concerts, and carnivals across the world. Dr. O'Hara during these times is noted as being in particularly high spirits, using his abilities to create dazzling fireworks displays and convert gravel, plastic, or metals into complex geometric shapes from his gloved hands as gifts. However, the greater aspect of this manifestation is its ability to filter perceptions upon its form. Specifically, no one questions that a stranger in a spacesuit is around them, conjuring miracles like Jesus. Passersby just assume they are part of the show in most recorded cases. In all recorded cases it has been shown that The Astronaut is completely benevolent towards humanity, content to share in the sights and wonder that the universe has to offer.[/i] [*][i][url=http://s12.favim.com/orig/160410/astronaut-skull-alternative-skeleton-Favim.com-4195447.jpeg]The Molding[/url] - A fairly rare manifestation, The Molding represents Dr. O'Hara's death. More precisely, the aspects of relating to his consumption of the illicit substance "Magic Mushrooms" shortly before and the short-lived, but rampant, cycle of life and rebirth that took place in his body as it decomposed. Appearing in dark, humid places as a decomposing, skeletal corpse in a spacesuit overgrown with unnaturally large mushrooms. From the moment the manifestation starts the growth starts to expand, growing on concrete as readily as it would mulch or dirt. If left undisturbed the growth could overtake a home in a month, rotting it from the inside out for more nutrients as it saturates the crowded area with spores and mushrooms. When jostled in any significant manner the mushrooms release a payload of mildly toxic spores, causing massive hallucinations. During these hallucinations, it seems Dr. O'Hara can be interacted with answering questions with visions, feelings, and burning symbols. Mushrooms can be removed and dried for a more potent effect, granting sights and perceptions of the universe incredibly beneficial for the pursuit of science at the cost of ones sanity... eventually. Jostling the corpse at all is enough to banish the Manifestation, the suit bubbling into goop and disappearing into the ether. Without his presence to support their growth, the mushrooms quickly collapse on themselves, turning into a decomposing slurry not soon after. Sites host of an instance of The Molding end up with either incredibly fertile earth or a rank smell that will never wash out.[/i] [*][i][url=https://c4.wallpaperflare.com/wallpaper/771/311/798/astronaut-birds-digital-art-doves-wallpaper-preview.jpg]The Wizard[/url] - The rarest manifestation by far, The Wizard manifests when Dr. O'Hara to devote his full attention and reign in his eccentricities to accomplish some task.[/i] [*][i][url=https://i.redd.it/9r1isb0e3mh21.png]The Man[/url][/i] - [/list] Weaknesses: [list] [*][i]Banishment - For as powerful as Dr. O'Hara is, at the end of the day, he's a fragile corpse, held together by will and a suit. Jostle it over and poof, gone. Even if the tougher Manifestations are harder to take down, enough firepower and explosives seem eventually convince him that he should be dead.[/i] [*]Dazzlement - Anytime Dr. O'Hara's consciousness is withdrawn from the universe there's some backlash from instantly regaining cosmic awareness. The severity of the backlash is tied with if he withdrawn under his own devices, how instant the transition from life to death was, and how much effort was put into the Manifestation. The 13 year gap occurred when The Wizard fell during the climax of the Shadow Wars against the Nazi remnants bunkering it out on the dark side of the moon. [*]Dangerous Knowledge - The information that can be gleaned off of Dr. O'Hara is promising, but there are dangers inherent in only getting scraps of the big picture and extrapolating too far can cause serious damage if used irresponsibly. Something he says could be complete jibberish, inane whimsey, or dangerous cognitive hazards that twist minds with madness. He is a dangerous element that is best approached cautiously and preferably, shot in the back of the head without him ever knowing you were there. [*][i]Smart, Not Omniciant - Dr. O'Hara's perception of our universe grants him many advantages in predicting events and solving problems best not thought too hard about, but when he Manifests on this plane he is restricted by their natures and can only work on the echoes of their greater mind. If they even have enough consciousness to rub two thoughts together with in the first place.[/i] [*][i]Scatterbrained - In all cases except for The Wizard and The Man, each Manifestation is restricted to their particular behaviors, rarely lasting longer than a couple of hours before fading away and popping up as something different, somewhere different a couple of days later. Even then communication is difficult as he speaks mostly through metaphor, visions, telepathy, and flashing lights along with a short attention span that easily pulled in rambling directions.[/i] [*][i]Hoofing It - In the rare times that a manifestation is able to remain on Earth for an extended amount of time they must rely on their own two feet and the grace of others to get them around as it seems they've forgotten all forms of vehicular knowledge. Their abilities grant them power that affects their immediate surroundings, but something like teleporting or enhanced speed is beyond their processing power beyond initial manifestation.[/i] [/list] Alignment: At current, we have no idea what Dr. O'Hara's intentions are. His manifestations and pushes into civilian areas has caused great damage but on the other hand there doesn't seem to be any true maliciousness on Dr. O'Hara's part. Personality: Lost, Fragmented, Willful, Scholarly, Comforting [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/32/9f/d2/329fd251de6b1b0eb7816a1517975d0f.jpg]Appearance[/url]: Dr. O'Hara is a rotted skeleton, almost 5'10 in height and currently in a dilapidated slouch, with yellowed teeth and once juicy, blackish dried meat clingy to the flesh. BRIEF Bio: Don't use experimental spatial folding engines without double checking your equations. Potential Storylines: [What do you have in mind for your character?] Notes: [anything else you need to tell us? [/hider]