[@Whoami][@Hellion][@Ghost Shadow][@Rockin Strings][@La Fleur][@pugbutter][@Skull][@Not Fishing] [b]I’ve thought this over and here’s what we’ll do...[/b] I’ve reposted the original intro from last November. @Whoami, I still want your arc to be apart of the RP, but I agree with Hellion. As an intro; too heavy. And that was my mistake. Your post/arc is more suited for in-depth story basis. I’m thinking we give people a chance to connect and intro their characters. At this point, things are scattered. This is my last big push for this RP. That said, if we still can’t make it work, I’ll pursue another concept I have stowed away. I’d really like this to get underway. But I won’t keep forcing it. (If that sounded petty or salty my apologies. Not my intention.)