[color=f7941d][b]ASTER NOLS[/b][/color] - Jin Ranges[hr] Aster had risen at seven, something of a luxury in her line of work. Breakfast was purchased from the market, along with a handful of snacks for her and Keater. She'd taken the heir's information into account after all, and rescheduled her mountain expedition forward a day. A two night trip with all her equipment and Keater in tow, just short enough to avoid Esmerelda's ire. (What could she say? Aster liked to live on the edge.) The lodge, originally a wartime outpost or homestead or something of that sort, was a mere half-hour's canter up Mount Hirsen. It was a must-see checkpoint for all aspiring mountaineers, thanks to the lookout it boasted over the town of Harrow's Keep. Once they were done, they were encouraged to grab a drink or hot meal inside. Unfortunately for Aster, it was a recommendation many people acted upon, including herself, for now she was stuck listening to these [i]asshats[/i] beside her spreading completely inaccurate anecdotes about Seleran crawfish. [color=d8cfbe]"Three on the same leg? Bullshit. There's plenty of weird gunk in the water but octo-yabbies are too far."[/color] [color=d8cfbe]"I swear. On Anais' name,"[/color] the group's leader smirked. It was promise with the sturdiness of a toothpick. A solemn hand thumped at his chest. [color=d8cfbe]"If it isn't everything I said, may lightning strike me d--"[/color] Her vision flashed black and white. Shadows scorched themselves across the room, across the diners' faces, as if the sun itself had dropped right outside the lodge's windows. But it was only for a second. [color=d8cfbe]"--ead?"[/color] Thunder. [I]Impact[/I]. The mountain seemed to [I]lurch[/I] and its inhabitants swayed haplessly with its motion. Glassware crashed by the kitchen. A waiter stumbled over his feet, splattering braised meat from his tray. The table jerked towards Aster and with one effective strike, winded her with its round edge. She wheezed. Chaos. Then silence. [color=f7941d]"Stongein'..."[/color] she hissed. There was spilt beer inching its way down her pants. Everyone else was in similar states of disarray, helping each other to their feet. Silence, then muttering, then shouting from behind the door. Alarm. She shoved outside with the rest of them. She saw destruction. There was a hole. There was nothing instead of [I]something[/I]. Harrow's Keep was a crater, a polished spot in the dirt where there should have been life. Everything was still. Beside her, someone wailed. Aster said nothing. Took a step back. What was one to do when confronted with the impossible? What words to say, what actions were there to take? She exhaled. She said nothing but the mathematician within her was riled. Measurements and disjointed statistics rattled off at the back of her head. Demographics, lists. Names. [I]Faces[/i]. Conversations. Aster's breathing became strained. Where'd they all go? A blankness overcame her, emptiness she knew to not perceive as 'calm' but merely 'coping'. The numbers drained away and the only thing she was left with was the need, the [I]mission[/I], to get down there. [color=f7941d]"Keater,"[/color] she said hoarsely. Another step back. [color=f7941d]"Keater, baby, we gotta go!"[/color] She practically threw herself towards the hitching rail. Muscle memory guided her hands over the reins. [color=f7941d]"C'mon!"[/color] An urgent bray and the beast was off, down the mountain path to where the southern gate should have been. Others had seen the crater first, left with haste, but Aster would overtake them. Keater was one of the finest steeds on the continent, the pinnacle of a breed only the likes of nobility could afford. He would carry her down with a speed and safety that would rival his airborne counterparts. Other details would come to mind as she descended. The crater that was a section of a perfect sphere. The lack of man made debris. Not an explosion, not what she initially believed. Not destruction. Deletion. She'd try to process the logistics to distract from the sheer loss she was rushing towards, the devastation that would follow. She'd feel dread plunge deeper into her heart every time Keater hit the ground and she'd get there first because she knew more than anyone what was at stake. She knew that if all those nobles were truly gone then Croania might as well have disappeared with them.