Faolan had busied himself with cleaning up and organizing while Aurel and Lucien went about their "training" in the lake. He didn't see the need to stick around for it, and thought his time was best served elsewhere. The afternoon dragged on as he waited for them to finish, but he kept a respectful distance. He even went out for a walk into the woods for some time, half exploring, half sweeping the area for signs of life. Fortunately, it did not appear that their camp had been discovered, so there was no need for extra security, which was good. Aurel and Lucien were just finishing up when he returned. He waited for the two of them to be out of sight, but smiled as they passed, before he began to undress and get into the lake. Normally, he would have done this first thing in the morning, or before bed, but timing had not allowed it, so he took advantage of being alone. At least the water was warmer at this time of day. He wasted no time, heading straight for where it was deepest and submerging his entire body in the cool water. It felt good to wash the dirt and grime of several days off of his skin and out of his hair. He was just pulling the water through his hair when he heard the door of the trailer open and turned to see Lucien approaching. He was about waist-deep in the water now, and was almost finished already. Lucien's comment made him smile, however, and he did a quick scan for the child before he answered. It seemed her was still inside. [color=a36209]"If you insist, I won't fight you,"[/color] He said, shrugging, [color=a36209]"much,"[/color] he added, and winked to his beloved on the shore.