Lucien took a moment to admire his lover's visage in the light of the glistening sun. He gave the trailer another glance before he stepped back into the water, this time removing his own clothing so he could finish a proper wash as well. He swam through the water until he reached Faolan. He had angled himself so he could still have an eye on the trailer, just in case Aurel decided to peek out the window. He doubted it, considering he had been laying down when he had last left him. The nephilim's desire to touch his beloved had not made itself strongly known until this moment. Not wanting to waste this chance, Lucien was quick to put an arm around Faolan, and lean up to place a kiss upon his lips. [color=burlywood]"I've been wanting to do that [i]at least[/i] once in the last twenty four hours.."[/color] He told him with. [color=burlywood]"Or twice.. or thrice, might have lost count."[/color]