Faolan couldn't help grinning as he watched Lucien get undressed and enter the water. He felt his body responding, even in the cold. Just the sight of the Frenchman was enough to excite him...He knew he had to keep at least some of his desire at bay while they boy was near. But, he was away in the trailer, and he knew that Lucien would not be approaching him like this if he was unsure of the child's safety or whereabouts. For the sake of his own needs, Faolan decided to let this play out. He so missed the touch of Lucien's skin and the smell of his hair... He opened his arms as Lucien closed the distance and returned the kiss, letting it linger a bit before breaking off. He wrapped his arms around Lucien's waist and held him in the water. The lake may as well have been boiling around them, for how aroused the Irishman was. He looked down into Lucien's eyes and hummed with pleasure, saying, [color=a36209]"Mmm...you taste good. Let's see if we can make up for some lost time,"[/color] before pulling Lucien to him and kissing him again, deeper and more passionately this time.