Hido frowned as he listened to Xehanhort's explanation. "Heartless? Would they be little black monsters in colorful outfits? I fought some of them with my crew before..." His voice trailed off. "The next thing I remember is waking up here with the little blue men and you finding me. My world... My home... My crew... I have to become strong enough to save them." He downed the entire glass of beer before wincing. "This tastes like English beer almost." It was then the others began speaking with Xehanhort. While not understanding the words they spoke, he could read their faces and tones to see if they were relaxed or on edge. It seemed to be a mix of both in each of them. Then one of the others introduced herself to him. "Saki Gin'iro." he repeated. "Sounds like a name from my home." He stood suddenly and glanced at Xehanhort. "I need to go meditate." He walked off quickly, sitting near the bar, leaning against the wall. There, he sat, meditating on what he knew, hoping something would come to him.