[hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190802/0616f4a80dda654441ab56364799a64d.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/tUlzKPP.jpg?1[/img] "[color=20C192]Uhm... Yeah.[/color]"[/center] [hr][sub][right] [b]Location: Corona Park[/b] [/right][/sub] [sub][right][b] Interaction: [/b][/right][/sub] [sub][right][b] Mentions: [@Pyxis] [/b][/right][/sub][hr] [indent]"[color=20C192]Hey, I have my aesthetic, this band better hit that or we out.[/color]" Said Hoon, her confidence grew for some reason as she said that, music was her passion and there was no way a band was going to change that. Her aesthetic was something to not be meddled with, it is why her apartment and music are what they are. There is this reason that makes her go for this type of thing but at the mention of love songs Hoon's brow raised and she stopped in her tracks. "[color=20C192]Well... Uhhh... I suppose... Urr... Not all love songs are bad-[/color]" She was cut off but the light hand squeeze Lilith did and the mention of her playing something in front of everyone else. "[color=20C192]I-I Don't... I mean, I uh... I don't even have my guitar so that is totally out the window, yup, hundred percent out the window.[/color]" Deep down she did want to do it but ever since she started being with Lilith, her way of playing live music has changed which has slowed down her actual music production but increased her number of ideas to a significant amount. She would just make a quarter of a song then remember Lilith, before doing another quarter of an idea, essentially not getting anything done. But at least her new song is a mix of those ideas melded into one. "[color=20C192]I-I can't wait for you to listen to it too.[/color]" Said Hoon, only slightly tripping on her words since she was pretty happy and a bit shy as well. She brushed her hair that had fallen over her eye from the amount of times she was flustered and it fell since she just kept looking down whenever she was. As she held Lilith's hand, she started moving faster, people were already crowding the stage but there was a lot of grass lands they could sit at that overlooked the stage that she would like to sit at with Lilith. As they arrived there, she sat down on the sloped land and started hugging her knees, "[color=20C192]Looks roman- Uhm... Nice here, don't you think?[/color]" She asked, she wasn't sure if Lilith would like the use of the word romantic so she just opted for a different word instead. Hoon knew Lilith would be fine with the lot of her shenanigans, but she also didn't want to do anything that would ruin that. [/indent]