[center][img]https://www.worldanvil.com/uploads/images/ea779321d7c5a0914144515b160a3e43.png[/img][/center] [i]Exactly a hundred years have passed since the continent of Helaeth saw a new influx of peoples arrive. Like most who find their way to these lands, these peoples were lost or fleeing. Some did not survive. Actually, most civilizations seeded upon the continent has faded away, failing the test of time. Some still stand. Some are too young to be deemed a success or failure. And then the calamity came. One fateful night, as the peoples looked up into the night sky, they found it absent of cloud. A myriad of stars lit up the dark beyond this world, but there was something else missing. Something important. At first, it came as a long rain of stairs, shooting across the sky, visable from every corner of Helaeth. "Where is the moon?" most sentient beings asked as they witnessed the lights in the sky. Soon, they would receive the horrible answer to the question as the moon slowly crept into view. It was distorted, broken into a thousand pieces like a piece of glass. The pieces that fell from it became the shooting 'stars' that now rained across the sky. And then ... The pieces of the moon came upon Helaeth. Fragments of the once beautiful body in the sky began to hail all over the continent. Every night for ten years the skies lit up with the falling of fragments upon the world, and every year at least one piece was big enough to land upon the ground in a fiery explosion. Some pieces wiped out entire villages, some reduced entire mountains to dust, but eventually the raining of stairs seized. Every few years, another fragment would find it's way down to the continent, in less of a destructive entrance, but powerful nonetheless. As the peoples and civilizations of Helaeth began to inspect the pieces left behind, they realized the lunar fragments held intense magical power. They were scarce, but became a valuable resource. With it, anyone could wield magic and shape the fragment into whatever they wanted. However, this power was finite and after a while the fragment faded away into dust. As such, the hunt for [color=steelblue]Lunarite[/color] as it became known as intensified, and entire civilizations went to war, rose and fell over the craze for this new resource. After a hundred years however, the craze has ended. Lunarite still exists, and still fall from the heavens every few years, but the initial wake of fire that consumed so many peoples has died down. Now, a new wave of peoples find their way to Helaeth in one way or another. Some come from underground, most sail across the seas, some simply wake up in a new land with no knowledge of how they came here. These new peoples ... Are you. [b]But who are you?[/b][/i]