[Center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180513/5ef5b8f32a843a2a76c1b0aa903ab393.png[/img] [Sub].:⋮Iron Supremacy⋮:.[/Sub] [/center] [@Ariamis][@Majoras End] Despite her strikes being so easily deflected Penny was smiling, revealing her rows of razor sharp teeth. While she would have loved it if her attack had ended the fight right away, she had doubted from the start that this would be over quickly and despite scoring only glancing blows she still gained in the end for with each ringing strike she would gain a flash of insight into the inner working of her replacement for the echoing vibrations that lingered with each clash spoke loudly to the Purified gynoid. [color=9e0039][u][b]“And I would do it all again!”[/b][/u][/color] Penny roared in reply as she ducked in and under the backhand [color=9e0039][u][b]“I was little more than a pawn to that Jackass! Nothing more than a tin solider to be tossed around at his leisure and then abandoned when he was done, left to try and salvage what I could out of whatever mess he forced me into.”[/b][/u][/color] Even as she yelled she continued her assault, each punch thrown harder and faster than the last as Penny quickly ramped up to her full speed and power. But that didn’t mean she was going all-out just yet. At some point in her assault a matte, onyx, coloration would start to darken Penny’s armor and as it did her blows would become heavier, but that was only a side effect. [color=00aeef]“Titan’s Raiment: Online.”[/color] It was in truth indicative of the skill she stole from Elroy; the secret of locking away her metal for anyone but her, mixed in with her personal optimization, and this was only phase one in her plan. If this imposter wanted to claim that Penny had stagnated? Fine, but Penny was going to enjoy forcing the truth down her throat in retaliation. [hr] [Center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191205/1259dabf7c97e732c0ddd286dc20d72f.png[/img] [sub] >>Feeding Frenzy<<[/sub][/center] [@ERode] The snarled curse that spilled from Viva’s lips from her attack being intercepted by a third party went unheard in the sea of sound and she was moving closer to the Endsinger before the full ramifications could be seen. For in truth Viva didn’t care about the Ascendency girl that she had disarmed, didn’t care about the rampaging clones, didn’t care about the danger that surrounded them all. She was hungry, and by her own action that was all she could focus on. The black hunger that churned within her, that swelled at the sight of the putrefied flesh being splattered everywhere. Because of that twisted drive she hardly noticed it when she walked into the sphere of nullification, too deep into her desire to be so easily pulled form it, hardly noticed to deep kiss that the Endsiger had pulled Leena into or the blades that were currently sticking through her undead flesh. All she could see was the taunt lines of muscle on the Endsingers neck that called to her. She wiped a hand across her mouth to clean away the drool at such a feast being displayed to her and as she did such her veins would pulse with corrupted magics twisting her jaws into a monstrous mockery, filled with serrated fangs and caustic spittle. Without any preamble she launched herself at her meal. Her gun was held at the side, ready to open fire on anyone who tried to interrupt her meal. or even her meal itself if it tried to fight back. [hr] [Center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180715/d80bb0fbb433935c1613207a0d09ae3f.png[/img] [Sub] -=ƎIn Plain SightE=- [/Sub] [/center] [@Ariamis][@Flamelord] Off in the stands Aurelio was doing his best to stay still. The emotions in the hall were as charged as they ever were within these halls. Yet he knew that there wasn’t much that he could do. He could be something of a character witness if either side needed him to be, but his overall time spent with either Alicia or Penny was limited, but that was really the extent of his usefulness within this trial. He hadn’t been around for any of the inciting incidents that were being thrown around. It was interesting to hear some of the topics that were brought up, and were it not such a tense situation he would have more than likely already asked a few questions or even tossed in his two bronze on the topic. He just hoped that he would still have the chance to do that later, the emotions in the air coming from Rachel gave him reason enough to believe that she would be doing everything in her power to get a guilty verdict, even if that meant twisting the rules. That was something that he might be able to help out with however. So in the interest of keeping this trial as clean as it could be, Aurelio very slowly and very, very, carefully started weaving his presence into the emotions throughout the room. It wasn’t a spell in a true sense, it wasn’t even something he would be able to explain with any clarity to anyone outside other Empathy mages, but it would allow him much greater acuity into the emotions that people were giving off. He made sure that his cane was dismissed before he start this delicate process as well, no need to bring attention to himself by it starting to glow and in the long run he wasn’t even sure that anything would come of it. He just needed to be doing something.