Faolan's arousal stirred his own as the Irishman pulled him closer. Despite the coldness in the water, he felt warm at Faolan's side. He always did. The Frenchman smiled slightly against his lips as he returned the kiss with equal intensity, having missed being able to do this with him. He shifted slightly to pull them deeper into the water, so they could at least be more obscured, but made sure not to separate himself from Faolan. That was the last thing he wanted right now. With the water making him weightless, Lucien lifted his body to wrap his arms around Faolan's neck, hand slowly trailing across his back as the space between them was practically nonexistent. He could feel the Irishman's excitement firmly against him, and it only made his own desire grow. He was too excited to back out now. [color=burlywood]"I still.. owe you for two nights ago.. let's make the most of the time we have now yes?"[/color] He asked, his voice husky, eyes clearly reflecting his current desire. Aurel was most likely asleep by now, and Lucien wasn't about to waste this chance.