Hello to those of you that showed interest, and the lurkers! I'm just taking a roll call so I know if you'll be planning to participate/join in this RP or not. So please raise your hand and say [i]here[/i] if your planning on playing! I've only gotten one Maybe via PM, and I'm just concerned that I'm putting time into creating the guide, and making maps when no one is actually going to play. (I've also @ some of the people I've seen viewing this page more then once....Hello there friends!) [center][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/b9bdTrDoFaXLO/giphy.gif[/img][/center] [@Jerkchicken] - [@Starboard Watch] - [@pintofwhiskey] - [@Haeo] -[@Ceta de Cloyes] - [@queenoftheages] ---------------------------------------------- [@Chiro] Your already checked in! :)