[i]As soon as the arrow was released, Arash felt pure, blinding pain. The pain was all-encompassing, tearing away at his being and his will for what felt like an eternity, but in reality was only an instant. When the pain finally, mercifully ended, Arash was no more, his body scattered across the last battlefield he would ever grace. And yet, if anyone were able to find the distant location where his head had landed, they would find nothing less than a satisfied smile on his face.[/i] [center][h2][u]A Hero's Awakening[/u][/h2][/center] [center][h3]Shinto Town, Café Oasis[/h3][/center] When Arash opened his eyes yet again (a feat he never believed he'd be able to do again), he was initially confused. The last thing he could remember was taking that fateful shot, and a sudden case of instantaneous death. A fraction of a second later, the rest of his mind caught up, and he understood why he was here. A Holy Grail War, with the Heroes of old brought forth from their graves to battle once again. Frankly, Arash was a little upset at the situation. Arash understood that a Servant participating in the War was able to gain a wish should they win, but he had no desire for such a thing. Arash was no great King, he was no legendary warrior (at least, he didn't feel like one), he was just a simple soldier. And yet, the Grail saw fit to call him out. Still, there was no use crying over things he couldn't change. Arash stood up from his kneeling position to look upon his summoner, his Master for the length of this Holy Grail War. They were a young man of Middle Eastern descent, and had a sort of distinct scent that Arash couldn't quite place (coffee, he would later learn). Arash could sense a deep sense of frustration emitting from his Master, but no great malice could be found. Arash stared down at his Master, and pressed his closed fist against his own breastplate in a salute. "I am Servant Archer, Knight of the Bow. I ask of you, [b]are you my Master?[/b]"