[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/SvOYJne.png[/img] [u][h3]Shinto Town - Copenhagen[/h3][/u][/center] [color=a187be]"Is this it? Your ad for the spare room made it look... Bigger."[/color] [color=fdc68a]"It's an entire floor, how much bigger can it get?"[/color] Ariadne was... Not displeased by the chosen abode, since after all it was probably the most popular pub and/or liquor shop in the entire town. She was almost ready to call it the ONLY pub/liquor shop, but there might be another she wasn't aware of somewhere. Then again, she was a more 'living in the moment' kind of person. So she hadn't done excessive amounts of research. [color=a187be]"Well, this is fine anyway."[/color] She said, turning to Otoko Hotaruzuka and applying a small bow in his direction. [color=a187be]"It is only a temporary arrangement after all, I do not plan to be in town for more than a week or two. Maybe a third to wrap up affairs if required."[/color] [color=f9ad81]"Right, well you already paid for the time, so I guess whatever weird stuff you're up too... Not my business. Just don't trash the place."[/color] Hotaruzuka said, and let out the longest sigh possible. The two of them were probably polar opposites as people. While Ariadne considered herself a dedicated, and easy-going person, she could tell that Hotaruzuka was somebody who saw hard work first. She didn't judge. What she was about to do was very much hard work. Either way, as soon as the door was closed, she set herself to work. She had a lot of setup, and a lot of stuff to take care of in advance. She had to set up her bounded field. Tightening a ribbon around her hair to help apply some focus to her life, she set to work. She would be foolish to summon before she had her bounded field set up. It wasn't hard work, but as the clock hit 8AM, she was only just putting on the important final touches. [color=a187be]"There we go, that should be enough."[/color] She huffed, and clapped her hands together. She wanted to be sure she didn't draw any unwanted attention, especially considering the place she had chosen to set up as a shop was right in public view. Though, it was for the best. Bacchic karma adored a place of party and savage humanity. This bounded field would act to draw in all that good will, and amplify her magecraft through it. [color=a187be]"Alright, now for my servant."[/color] While Ariadne had worked on her bounded field, she had also been keeping her summoning circle in mind. Objects had been moved to clear the center of the room, and it being rather barren made that easy to begin with. The latent energy of this place was more than enough. She didn't need a rich leyline to achieve what she needed. She needed a place suited to her system of worship. This place, as a pub, fulfilled that. No matter what part of the world, Bacchus reigned supreme in parties. Pulling from her bag, she let her catalyst lay on the ground. Three seeds, from a golden apple. Not the ones of chaos, but ones from the golden apples offered to Atalanta. She would have preferred one of the other catalysts her family possessed... But They wouldn't let her take the helmet of Theseus, or the gauntlet of Heracles... She'd just have to make due with the apple seeds. That was fine. [b][color=a187be]"Let silver and steel be the essence-[/color][/b] She began the chant. Her hand reached out towards the symbols she had drawn. The summoning circle was set in place, and magic flowed through her. Her circuits ignited, and she began to channel. [color=a187be]"An oath shall be sworn here. I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven; I shall have dominion over all evils of all of Hell."[/color] Wind swept up, and the air crackled with lightning. To any onlooker they might notice the odd flash from behind the curtains of the upper floor. But it hardly mattered. The ritual had begun. The ritual was nearing its end. [color=a187be][b]"From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three great words of power, come forth from the ring of restraint, protector of the holy balance!"[/b][/color] SUMMON THE HERO OF GREECE! SUMMON A HERO WITH NO EQUAL! Summmon... Hippomenes... [@Remon]