Faolan let Lucien guide the two of them deeper into the water until they were up to their chests in it. He kept a firm grip on the Frenchman throughout their movement, the man felt like a bundle of feathers in his arms. By the time they stopped moving, Faolan was sure of Lucien's intentions. He wanted his beloved, badly, and knew that if they continued this way he would not be able to control himself. Lucien knew him well enough by now to realize this as well... He stared into the Nephilim's eyes and took a deep breath of him, taking in his delicious scent. For one moment, he paused, and glanced back over his shoulder. His voice was quiet, and he made it clear what he wanted to hear from Lucien as a response, [color=a36209]"You don't think...the boy...?"[/color] he asked, before kissing Lucien softly again. He always lost control when the two of them were this close, and without their clothing...well, there was only one thing he could think of doing.