Taking note of Faolan's glance over his shoulder, he could guess what his concern was. He couldn't blame him, doing this was risky, but Luicien wouldn't have instigated this if he thought they would get caught. He returned Faolan's kiss, before breaking for a moment to speak. [color=burlywood]"Not to worry.. he's quite tired.. I left him laying down, he's probably asleep by now.. so.. expect no interruptions."[/color] He reassured, a smile tugging at his lips before he connected them to Faolan's once more. This seemed to be enough to assure Faolan that everything would be fine, and their kiss increased in passion and intensity. Lucien made his desire clear, as he shifted to wrap his legs around the Irishman, letting out a moan at the contact within their bodies. He was being impatient, and he wanted Faolan to know just how much he wanted him. After more exchanges of passionate kisses and gentle touches, the two men fully immersed themselves in the pleasure of each other's body's, trying to make the most of the time they now had together. - They had almost lost track of time, but luckily it seemed Aurel was still very much asleep by the time they had decided to exit the lake. The Frenchman felt.. very much refreshed and quite pleased as he put on a fresh set of clothes, throwing his beloved a charming smile. [color=burlywood]"Best bath we've had in a while, hmm?"[/color] He teased.