[hider=The Silverpine Regency] Nation/Clan/Kingdom/Tribe Name: Silverpine Regency Represented Color: [color=2e3192]Dark Blue[/color] Race: Mostly Human Features: A surviving faction of a larger necromancy cult, while the bulk of the Silverpine Regency are living human beings, it's leadership (and the end goal for many of its members) is made up of those who have transcended the mortal coil to become the higher classes of undead. This transcendence is not uniform, for there are different kinds of undead to become and different paths to reach them. Currently, there is only one higher undead in the Regency. [hider=Death Knight] A great warrior in life, undeath has only made the Death Knight an even more dangerous foe. Death Knights filled a commander role for the armies of undeath, directing battles from the front lines and serving as champions to smash pockets of resistance strong enough to withstand the tides of lesser undead. Death Knights do not need to sleep, eat or breath. They do not get tired. Mortal blows to organs that would cripple or kill a living person do little more then annoy them. Limbs lost in combat can be easily replaced with a bit of dark magic and a sewing kit. They cannot reproduce or have offspring after they have become a death knight... and since they exist to serve as a weapon of war, all death knights feel a never ending hunger to inflict pain and death on others that will grow strong enough to drive the individual into an insane berserk state if neglected for to long. [/hider] Capital: Deathholm Ruler: Regent-Lord Jasper Silverpine (Death Knight) Type of Government: The Silverpine Regency is a militarized cult. Organized by a structured rank system, the Regent-Lord's word is law, through there tends to be a degree of flexibility in how a subordinate is to achieve the orders given to them. Religion: [i]You have found your way here, because you are among the few gifted with true vision in a world cursed with blindness. You can see through the fog that hangs over this world like a shroud, and grasp where true power lies. Fix your eyes upon your crude hands: the sinew, the soft meat, the dark blood coursing within. It is a weakness; a crippling flaw.... A joke played by the Creators upon their own creations. The sooner you come to accept your condition as a defect, the sooner you will find yourselves in a position to transcend it.[/i] ~ Arch Lich Lady Chillblood The Cult of Undeath was founded by a simple premise: Life was fundamentally flawed and the gods didn't care. Why would they? They were immortal and mortals were nothing more then pieces on the board that they played with for their own amusement. They never had to worry about starvation, feel the deathly grip of illness or feel a body that used to be strong and healthy start to fade away with the passage of time. The Cult offered a reprieve from the cruelty of the cycle of life and death. A chance to seize ones fate from the hands of uncaring gods and create your own destiny. To become immortal and defy the natural order of things. Geographical Location: [hider=Deathholm] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/e3ab6576-4931-4f7d-9b3c-348c85cd2be5/ddo1noo-1a3faa1a-d063-4dc8-9d34-2d4a4d740dfb.jpg/v1/fill/w_1153,h_693,q_70,strp/5a7deb34fee60438d51df95b14e2c390_by_kiue_ddo1noo-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NzY5IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvZTNhYjY1NzYtNDkzMS00ZjdkLTliM2MtMzQ4Yzg1Y2QyYmU1XC9kZG8xbm9vLTFhM2ZhYTFhLWQwNjMtNGRjOC05ZDM0LTJkNGE0ZDc0MGRmYi5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTI4MCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.UXKcrqIBCoLGVgii_BbunvNLIGT9Tb_ZaxnwyZVquMU[/img] [/hider] History: The Cult of Undeath had humble beginnings. There was a farmer who was nearing his elderly years whom had almost lost everything over the course of his life. His two eldest sons had been drafted to fight a war in the name of their king and never returned. His youngest son and two daughters were claimed by a famine and plague as the lack of men to tend the fields for food caused one and invited the other, leaving him without heirs to pass down the farm that his father had passed down to him. His beloved wife was lost when, while she was milking a cow, something spooked the animal and it kicked her in the head. Taxes were high in order to pay for the war and each year survival became so much harder. The local church offered plenty of words in service of spiritual rewards, but the farmer found those 'rewards' turning more and more to ash when he noticed how many of the people in attendance were dangerously thin, while the priest was fat and despite the hardship was able to get a beautiful pair of golden candlesticks for the alter. Angry at a world that had gone so wrong, the farmer sort a way to try and fix it. He was successful. Finding others like him who had been beaten down by the world and wanted to change it for the better, the Farmer soon developed a following of supporters. Soon his farm became a rallying point, a haven for those willing to seek out the secrets of transcending mortality via alchemy and ritual. Those without the knowledge of alchemy or a gift for magic started to train and protect those that could with the promise that once the secrets were unlocked, the gift of immortality would be shared with them. It was unclear when the authorities discovered the growing movement, but the military response to try and crush the heretics practicing such 'vile' magics was not the overwhelming victory that was hoped for. While the professional solders were victorious in that they killed the farmer and a number of those following him, they suffered heavy losses in the process and many of the cultists escaped not only with their lives, but with the discoveries and secrets that the cult had developed by that point. The Cult of Undeath found plenty of people willing to hear its message among the peasants who had become disillusioned by the war and the strain it was placing on them long after it was over, as well as the increasingly brutal nature that the knights and solders were adapting in order to 'keep the peace' causing many to join up out of a need to avenge family and friends. For a few years the unrest remained at this level: Solders trying to pin down leaders of the cult and committing horrific acts to suppress the heresy with the Cult continuing their studies and trying to protect themselves and their fellow peasants who were caught in the crossfire. Then the Cult unlocked the secrets of Necromancy. Almost overnight, what started as a game of cat and mouse turned into a full blown holy war as armies of the undead were created and full fledged battles were waged across the entire kingdom! The fighting was brutal and unforgiving, but in the end (almost a decade after the death of the Farmer who started it all), the Cult of Undeath won. Victory however proved to be dangerous for the Cult. Without an enemy to unite them, schisms started to form as different leaders within the Cult started to via for dominance. Ideology about what the new order of things should be also deepened the divides and civil war started anew as warlords rose and fell on a regular basis. One of these warlords was a Death Knight by the name of Lord Jasper Silverpine. A minor warlord who was tactically minded enough to recognize that he was not going to be the victor at the end of the conflict, Lord Silverpine decided on a bold course of action. Gathering his followers together, he launched a raid on a port city in order to secure enough ships and supplies to abandon the war torn kingdom and establish himself on a new, rumored distant land. [/hider]