Penelope smiled as she listened to the two talk, glad that she was able to get Naida focused on a different subject other than their relationship. Her gaze flickered briefly away from the two as a servant arrived with her dinner. The knight said a small word of thanks before looking back over at Naida as the princess fidgeted. She gave her friend a sympathetic look. It must have been difficult being a knight and being stuck to only certain duties. Having trained with Naida before, Penelope knew she was quite capable in her skills and hoped that she'd be able to take the journey to Younis with Crow. As she addressed her again, Penelope shrugged, choosing to ignore the mention of courting again. "Well for now, I was actually thinking about returning to my battalion. The war isn't quite over yet and I've done all I can for now here." she mused. She gave a small pause and then added, "I was actually thinking of accompanying Collin when he leaves since we'll be heading close to the same direction." "Oh?" Naida's lips curled upwards into a mischievous smile and she nudged Crow's side. "What made you decide to leave so soon? Perhaps want to prolong a goodbye?" "No." Penelope stated despite Naida being incredibly accurate. Having expected such a reaction from Naida, the knight had been prepared to lie. "I've been thinking about when I should leave since the party ended and now that I know your father is willing to try for peace first, I should go report back to my baroness. I just figured traveling a friend, or a couple if you're able to go, would be more enjoyable than traveling alone." "Suuureee." Naida said with an unconvinced snicker. Penelope rolled her eyes and shifted her gaze over to Crow. "So how are you feeling about going to Younis again?" she asked him then smirked slightly. "Provided you don't have to stealing a staff that was rumored to kill people as soon as they touched it."