Penelope raised an eyebrow as Crow didn't reply right away. She wondered what he seemed to be so lost in thought about and nearly went to question him about it but didn't get the chance to as Naida spoke up instead. The knight smiled amusedly and took a few bites from her food as they spoke. She nodded her head in agreement with Naida as the princess pointed out that he did manage to steal it without dying. While she believed her friend's claim to be true, there was a new unsettling realization that he very well could have died if not for Aeklora sparing him. She hadn't believed him at the time but after her meeting with Toreus, she couldn't deny his meeting with the Younisian goddess. "At least it should make getting into the castle easier too." she mused with a smirk, pushing away thoughts about their interactions with the gods. Her gaze flickered over to Naida as she stood up to leave and she shook her head a little as she explained that she was off to get her brother drunk. "Bye Naida." she chuckled as she watched her friend walk off. Her focus momentarily shifted onto her food as she took a few more bites before looking back across the table at Crow. "Well... you've sure got a lot to ask the king for." she mused with a small sigh. Despite feeling a bit uncertain about Crow being able to get permission for them to court as well as getting Naida on the trip to Younis, she managed a smile at the viceroy. "Hopefully he's in a good mood in the coming days.. Or at least not too upset over the change of plans." She gave a stretch and set down her utensils. "In the meantime, I think I better head off too. Now that I've got a trip I need to start preparing for as well." she mused.