[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/SvOYJne.png[/img] [u][h3]Shinto Town - Copenhagen[/h3][/u] [@Remon][/center] He was... Certainly impressive. Watching a Heroic spirit materialize into the world was a rare kind of treat. Notably it wasn't the one she would have preferred, as this, Atalanta, and Paris were the only servants with enough association with golden apples to have such a catalyst call out to them. Though she really did wish she had something from Heracles. Maybe he could have been a Rider, and taken her for a ride on C- Focus! Ariadne had to admit, the feline ears, the masculine figure, and the fact that he was sniffing the air pointed at Hippomenes. Again, options were narrow. [color=a187be]"You may refer to me as Master. Or Ariadne. Either is fine, but if you combine the two, that would be even nicer. So yes, call me both. Master Ariadne."[/color] Her smile was practically infectious. After all, this was her first step into the war at large, and such a chaotic atmosphere was sure to grow. [color=a187be]"Now, if you are who I think you are, we should settle on figuring out..."[/color] She paused and bit her lip at the word. [color=a187be]"Strategize, so that we can be ready."[/color] Another pause... [color=a187be]"Ooooooor, we can both welcome you back, by getting something to drink. I'd suggest wine, but I'm saving some of this for a ritual before the war properly begins. We can get a drink someplace else in town if you wish. I'm sure there are many foods you would wish to taste."[/color] __________________________________________________________________ [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/wCtYMQg.png[/img] [u][h3]Miyama Town - Abandoned House[/h3][/u] [@ObsidianNoir][/center] He ignored the pleading. The woman had become a slave to the whims of another, and as such her life was in the hands of another. Her body, more than her mind though. A king was well in their right to treat any under them as a slave. At least, that was one of the rules of his time. The time of King Xerxes, where all men under a king were slaves who could die on a whim. Naturally, he felt no reason to do such, but the other man in the room... Strange, and Xerxes wasn't sure if he liked him yet. Probably not. Xerxes took the offered cup as it slide across the table. His hand was larger than the cup by a fair bit, and he was as delicate as possible as he lifted it to his lips. He would have preferred wine over the hot leaf juice he had been offered. Tea was for healing, not planning. Wine would take the edge off, allow one to think more freely. Though that was another time, another place. [color=f7941d]"I feel our circumstances are going to be interesting. The location we have chosen is in roughly the center of the city. This means all news shall be passing through us. But, it means we are the most likely to be in the middle of another foe's battle."[/color] Xerxes said after a long time to think about it. [color=f7941d]"I would like to spend this day going out. Possibly find allies, strengthen our cause. After all, there is no doubt another force already making their move."[/color] He reached up with a hand, and dragged it through his brilliant white beard. As if stroking it might give him some inspiration. "I shall keep you up to date on if I find any allies." This was a partial desire to find allies, and more a desire to be out of the room. Watching a young lady die horribly over the course of several hours wasn't his desired way to pass the day. Were he feeling generous, he might have removed her head, and eased her passing. Standing, the Rider adjusted his coat. [color=f7941d]"I shall leave you with this."[/color] He handed over one of his gloves. It was probably a size too big. [color=f7941d]"It shall warn you if another finds you."[/color] With that though, Rider stepped out of the room, ducking his head a little to avoid the doorframe.