Crow watched his sister walk off with an amused smile. He was learning quickly that the nobles in the inner kingdom had a weakness for fine wine, and the royal family seemed to fall prey to the tart drink even more than the others. When he eventually began taking on more duties as a viceroy, he wondered if he would start developing a fondness for drinking as well. He liked to think his decision to stay sober wouldn’t ever change, but there had also been a time in his life when he would have said the same thing about being a thief. Everything had been changing so much, he found it difficult to predict where he would be even a year from now. “That’s putting it lightly,” he sighed, turning back to Penelope once they were alone again. “I can tell my father isn’t happy about altering his plans, but I’m hoping he’ll be reasonable when I speak with him.” He was doing the king a big favor by traveling to and from Younis to negotiate on his behalf, after all. Even though it was part of the job description, he hoped Albin would see that he had been working hard and deserved to start having some things go his way. Namely, having a woman by his side whom he cherished. As Penelope announced that she needed to go, Crow rose from the table as well. “If you’re leaving, I won’t have any more protection from those women who’ve been eyeing this table since I got here,” he sighed, tilting his head toward a group of noblewomen he had spotted not long ago. Tilla and Palatina were sitting among them. “I guess I’ll head back to my bedchamber as well, so I won’t be bothered.” Picking up his goblet from the table, he downed the rest of the wine he hadn’t finished yet and then set the empty cup back down. “I’ll see you tomorrow, love,” he casted he a warm smile. “Maybe even as your suitor.”