[@ObsidianNOir] [h1]Rapheal Dimund[/h1] [b]Fuyuki Park[/b] Well that was a fair question, time to explain his thought process. "It is but not as much as you would expect, early enough in the day where there isn't much people walking around and the few that are wouldn't be near this part of the Park for another couple hours in the least. I've got some talent in checking a surrounding area for any unwanted people snooping about." He takes a big puff of his pipe and shoots it up in the air watching it a bit. "After doing my research I also wanted to get an early start on the war as it were with you and do some ah, 'fishing'. The Park was perfect in that regard and while risky I hope it will lead to catching some of the pairs out there unaware since most are expecting the action later tonight." Giving a nod to his Servant he turns around and starts walking towards Miyama Town. He calls back out. "First step is to have you looking more modern, since even in Japan your current outfit is going to stand out just a wee bit much. We can give each other a rundown of what the oher can do while getting there."